pathtaker's picture
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An Example of Extrapolating HGH Target Dosage

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When you are staying with a consistent supplier and product, it is easy to hit your target IGF-1 with as little as only one dosage adjustment. IGF-1 is a stable and reliable indicator of your GH level. For my purpose, anti-aging, I aim for an IGF-1 of 325 to 375 ng/mL. (I use the middle of the range as my target - 350 ng/mL) See the optimal reference charts on this group at:

Step One: Do an IGF-1 test prior to starting to establish your baseline. This is the amount of IGF-1 that your body normally produces on its own. GH has a very short half life and is gone moments after it is secreted so it is not a reliable way to test. IGF-1 production in the liver is stimulated by GH however and is very stable so this is the test of choice by most docs when looking for justification to write a prescription for HGH.

My baseline IGF-1 was 123 ng/mL (see pic #1)

Step Two: Begin with an estimated estimated trial-dosage of HGH. I used 2 IU/day from my experience with clients my age and pharma-grade prescription HGH. I purposely shot a little low, anticipating the need to increase the dosage after a month or so. Starting a bit low, allows your body to adjust to increasing GH levels without problems with sides.

After at least 4 weeks on the initial trial-dosage, retest IGF-1 to see how much of an increase you have achieved. My test showed that on 2 IU/day, my IGF-1 increased from 123 to 243 ng/mL. Subtract the baseline from the initial trial-dosage test and you get 120 ng/mL increase per 2 IU/day dosage. Divide 120 by 2 IU/day to get approximately 60 ng/mL increase in IGF-1 per each 1 IU/day of your initial trial-dosage.

Take the target IGF-1 for a male from the middle of the optimal reference range (350 ng/mL) less the baseline IGF-1 (123 ng/ml) equals 227 ng/mL that I need to increase from my baseline. Divide 227 by 60 ng/ml increase per each IU and I get 3.8 Units (rounded off to 1/10th unit). Here is where some art comes in... From experience, I know that supplementing with HGH injections will cause my body to slightly decrease its own production of GH, I like to round up just a bit so I adjust the target dosage from the calculated 3.8 to 4 IU/day.

Step 3: Run the same protocol for at least 4 weeks (4 IU/day - 6 on/1 off/wk - split into 1/2 dose at bedtime and 1/2 upon waking - this is my recommended protocol) and then retest IGF-1 for confirmation of dosage. My confirmation IGF-1 test shows the dosage was nailed at 363 ng/mL - well within the 325 to 375 target range. (See pic #3)

After confirming dosage, I recommend retesting annually, any time you switch suppliers/product, or if you have an indication of something changing - Like sides, etc.

This method reduces expenses for extraneous tests, wasted product, sub-optimal dosing, and excessive sides.

Note: Due to interruption of supply beyond the control of my (very reliable) source, I had to spread the testing over a longer than normal period of time. However, all of the requirements such as minimum time at trial dosage, etc. were maintained. In spite of the delays, the attached tests demonstrate how easy it can be to get to the right dosage in a relatively short period of time with minimal testing.

snuka2012's picture

Is the IGF-1 range of 325 to 375 ng/ML applicable to any age range?

pathtaker's picture

Yes. It is the optimal range for any age male and is based on healthy levels in 25 to 29 age group.

snuka2012's picture

Thanks Pathtaker. I'll use this measurement to compare different GH brands.

pathtaker's picture

In fact, tomorrow I will be posting a head-to-head comparison between Rips from and Vips from using the 4 week IGF-1 protocol. I still have to get the labs prepared for posting.

snuka2012's picture

That's great...this will give a rough idea of how much of one brand you would need in order to achieve the same levels as another or if they are the same. I need to take a test with the RIPs, but I'm going to switch over to Norditropin pens after. Don't have the numbers yet, but seems to me 4IUs on RIPS is where you start getting noticeable effects. 2 IUs doesn't do much for me.

pathtaker's picture

It's really different for each case. My wife is at optimal IGF-1 levels with a 2.4 IU/day dosage (Rips) but I need 4 units. Part of the picture is age. My daughter is in her 30's and is optimal with none. My wife also got a 25% better response per unit than I did with the same exact batch. There are a few other factors such as other hormone levels. For instance, changing Testosterone levels can change IGF-1. Other factors we aren't even aware of might be involved as well.

It would be very interesting to see your comparison of Rips to Norditropin using this protocol. I have always suspected the pharmaceuticals to be higher dosed but have never seen proof.

snuka2012's picture

I understand the dosage to achieve optimal level per HGH brand will also depend on the individual...assuming manufacturing consistency (which I'm not convinced of, unless it's pharma) this information might hint at which HGH is better bang for the buck.

Good point re: testosterone want to compare as much as possible with the same conditions.

That was my suspicion as well re: pharma vs generics. I suspect, per nominal IU you actually get more mgs of GH with pharma. I'm thinking of possibly starting with ~1.5 - 2IU and checking the results and increasing as needed.

klon's picture

Igf-1 continues to increase over time. Once you have achieved your desired level you can decrease your gh dose on a gradual basis as long as you keep testosterone in the optimal range.

As a side note, adding testosterone will typically increase igf-1 100 points in about 6 months in aged men. Doing T first reduced your overall cost of getting to the optimal igf-1 level.

BigJuicy's picture

Do you have any information on any other protocols like ED,EOD,or 5 days on 2 days off etc. ?

pathtaker's picture

That's a good question. There seems to be considerable confusion about all the different protocols and the reasoning behind each of them.

When doctors first began using HGH for treating hormone deficiency in adults, they gradually learned what worked best. At first they gave a few injections per week because they didn't want to inconvenience their patients and study subjects. The patients had to travel to the clinics to get each of their injections. As time went on, they moved to one injection per day, taught their patients to self inject, and sent the HGH home with them.

Also, initially researchers and doctors were advising a 5 on/2 off protocol with a month off every 6 months because they were afraid that continuous use would halt the body's ability to make its own HGH if and when the injections were stopped. As they accrued more experience, they found that 6 on/1 off per week worked the best and they also quit recommending the month off every 6 months.

When they went to dosing every day with smaller amounts than they were using when dosing only a couple of times per week, they discovered that the smaller doses significantly reduced the adverse side effects so they carried it a step further and began to divide the daily dose and give 1/2 at bedtime and the other 1/2 upon waking. The results of splitting the dose into two injections was a further reduction of sides.

For a time, there was some thought that injecting at bedtime would interfere with the normal release of HGH during R.E.M. sleep but research has not shown that to be a problem. In fact, the current thinking is that by dosing at bedtime and at awakening, the HGH profile is closest to the natural profile. So, that is where we are now... 6 days on/1 off per week with 1/2 at bedtime and 1/2 upon waking is the most accepted practice. This is the protocol I currently recommend to my clients,friends, and family and I use myself.

snuka2012's picture're going to become a resource if not one already for a new area in eroids. This is a further refinement of HGH protocols and these steps takes into consideration supplier/product changes..e.g going from a generic to pharma and vice versa and helps to adjust dosages accordingly. I will make note of this post and try this out.

pathtaker's picture

Optimally balancing hormone levels is a cornerstone strategy in anti-aging and I believe HGH is a top priority. Keeping your HGH levels at optimum should be a year-round ongoing focus. Having efficient systems for monitoring and adjusting dosage makes it easier and more economical and is inline with the philosophy of eroids.

We're all in this together. I've gotten a lot of good advice from others here and want to do my part where I can. Thanks to everyone who participates in this group.

Anonymous's picture

Hey Pathtaker you are doing some really ground breaking stuff here on eroids. I've never had the chance to talk with u but I plan to bug the shit out of you in the near future. Fr sent Sir:)

pathtaker's picture

Hey SexyMexy, Thanks, I PMd you... Bug away!!! Will help any way I can. Smile

FinMan's picture

I am thinking you might have a treasure trove of knowledge on this topic sir! I am excited to see what I can learn in the upcoming future! Thank you for the post.

pathtaker's picture

Thanks, FinMan... Happy to help where I can. Smile

Gargoyle's picture

This is brilliant stuff here man. Thank you very much for sharing it with us.

pathtaker's picture

Thanks, It's tough enough to kick aging in the ass without wasting time and hard-earned money... Glad to help make things easier and more efficient!! Now go kick some ass! ;-)