Ninja's picture
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chest muscle pain help needed

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About an hour or so ago i started getting this stabbing feeling in my right peck/chest muscle. Its around the nipple area. I can feel its the muscle and not some internal organ. What is this? Is this gyno related?

The feeling comes and goes erratically. My nipples are not sore or sensitive. I did not work out chest so its not from that.

kodiakGRRL's picture

my doc calls it muscleoskeletal pain .... I think it is a generic term for shut up and deal with it considering how you punish your body....

strongman480's picture


Ninja's picture

Update: pain went away the same day it appeared. Also, no new symptoms such as low libido, joint aches, etc have developed. Maybe i over reacted, idk. Thank you to everyone that helped and responded. I will monitor to see if the pain comes back.

Ninja's picture

Just started tren a. Been on test e 325ish per wk, mast e 600/wk and eq 800/wk. Been taking 12.5 aro ed bc estro was a little high. Caber .5 e3d. Lowered test e this wk to around 200 and less per wk. As of now, theres no more stabbing sensation. Odd. Im kinda stumped.

Darktide's picture

I have gotten sharp pains in my muscles particularly my chest when putting on more muscle. It was not internal pain but more the nerves firing in my pectoral muscle and they were sharp. My wife is in the medical profession and did a work up on me and everything cardiovascular wise was fine.

Ninja's picture

Thanks for the heads up. How long did the "pain" last? Few hrs? Few days?

Darktide's picture

It would and still does come intermittently. I can go a long time and then it will return but usually when doing more lifting exercises.

strongman480's picture


strongman480's picture

I think you may have had low estro with 600mg mast and 12.5 ed aromasin that stabbing feeling you said you had i have had before due to low estro and my joints would crack and pop too.

Ninja's picture

You had them too? You think its low estro? My libido is still going strong and joints feel fine. And my last lab results showed i had a little high estro when taking 12.5 aro eod. Thats why i increased it to 12.5 ed. But again, i wasnt taking mast at the time. Recommend going back to 12.5 eod? Its hard to say without lab results. And the problem is since im taking tren a now i have a feeling the labcorp tests will be skewed due to the tren.

strongman480's picture

could be or could be what pank said up top. I would get another test done to see where your estro is now that you changed somethings.

Anonymous's picture

What sort of meds u on AAS and others?