AlabamaMan's picture
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+ 1 Lagging chest


Out of all my body parts I am most concerned with my chest development. My arms and shoulders are getting to the point where I am worrying they will overpower it and I will look very unproportionate. What would be the best route to catching up a lagging part. My normal split is

Sunday- legs, mostly quads
Monday- arms
Tuesday- shoulders and some hams
Wednesday- off
Saturday- off

On chest day I usually do compounds followed by isolation. I can tell its growing, just not at the same rate as the rest.

Yesterday also markes the start of week 2 of my 12 week cycle. Test cyp at 500mg/week

SlowBro's picture

especially if your shoulders are very dominate, it can be hard to really isolate and focus on the chest. make sure that your shoulder blades and depressed back as far as you can and your chest is pushed up high anytime you are doing a chest movement. if you let your shoulderblades come out this position it becomes very easy for your delts to take over the load.

also some guys need to shorten the range of motion a bit, dont bring the bar down to your chest and dont lock out your elbows when pressing. for some people bringing the bar too low will transfer the tension from pecs to delts. on the opposite side, if you lock out your elbows, the tension gets transfered away from the pecs to the triceps and a little bit to the delts. stop just short of locking out.

hope some of that helps, those are just general tips that most people seem to struggle with. you need to be more specific with your routine if you want more specific answers.

tonytulo's picture

Very good info.

CAhardcore's picture

Warm up every day with 5 sets of 25 push-ups .. Wide hands, even with shoulders , wide, even, wide... Enough rest between each set to make sure every push-up is picture perfect.
I do this and train chest with moderate weight about every 8-10 days and my chest stays on swole, can still easily put up 225x25 & 315x8
Push-ups are underrated !

SenseiMiagi's picture

Maybe try pre-exhausting with your isolation movements, before mass builders. Supersets work well to do this....example, flat flies straight to bench press. Take some weight off the bar and go to failure. Variation is key and no 1 round peg fits all. Experiment and find what works.

irongame427's picture

I did this for a long time, and still do from time to time. It's great for people like myself with long arms that fatiuge before my chest fails, or people with very strong arms that takeover most of the pressing movements. By doing 5 sets of like 8-12 reps of cable flys it totally takes arms out of the movement and smashes just the pecs. Then they when you move on to presses your chest is already very tired so it will fail before your tris do. I saw a lot of growth by doing this.

Or you can try this. Viking gave me this routine, and it was given to him when he was in his early 20s by an older guy. The guy told him a thick chest is build with heavy ass flys, and Viking has done it ever since and believes the same, he says the presses are just a warm up. He had me do something like 5 sets of flat either barbell, dumbbell or hammer strength press, then the same for incline, then onto the flys, 5 sets of heavy incline Flys and 5 sets of heavy flat Flys. Pyramid the sets up for a few weeks, then pyramid down for a few weeks, then straight sets for a few weeks, high reps, low reps. Just switch it up every 4 weeks or so. But this worked well for me. I feel my chest working the most doing flys compared to presses. My chest lags also, it sucks but this has helped it grow at a much faster pace then previous routines.

Or try lowering the volume a tiny bit but hitting your chest twice a week. 12-14 sets twice a week instead of 18-20 once a week. Many believe frequency trumps volume. Meaning 12 sets twice a week for a total of 24 will produce more growth then 24 sets once a week. I tend to agree with this, I made my best gains hitting everything twice a week. But that was back in my early days of lifting when the weights were lighter and I could do chest delts and tris all in one workout as you have to to hit everything twice a week. But now since the weights a lot heavier I'm exhausted after just doing chest, it's hard to even do a decent tricep workout after chest. But just doing one muscle twice a week isn't to hard. Do a heavy chest day like the highest you'll go with reps that day is 8, sets of 4-6 and 6-8, then later in the week higher reps more bodybuilding style, 8-15 or 20 reps. Target both types of growth, sacoplasmic hypertropy ( higher reps) and myofibular hypertrophy (lower reps).

40sman's picture

Cheers, great workout. Tried the Viking routine you posted yesterday, loved it.

AlabamaMan's picture

I will try a variation of more frequency and going heavier with my flies. I do feel it in my chest much more doing flies, especially if I use a bench to lay on. I'm going to try to hit it twice a week. My arms grow faster than anything on my body so I'll just take the rest of the cycle off from doing arms and focus more on chest, maybe do a little arms on chest and back day to maintain. I might have to take a few days off... Feel like I'm getting some test flu :/ also have horrible pip in my right shoulder from last Thursday. Don't think it's an infection but keeping an eye on it. No edema. A little warm to the touch but I've been massaging the crap out of it today.

SenseiMiagi's picture

All good stuff here. I too have long and tricep dominating arms. I blame years of football training. Thanks for sharing the Fly routine....will definitely give this a shot!

AlabamaMan's picture

Bench 6x8-12
Incline bench 6x8-12
Followed by 3 variations of flies weather db or cable. For
6x12-15 each.

I'm 5'11 sitting around 210 today bf idk, it's growing bc I'm consuming a lot trying to bulk. Probably close to 16-17% I'll put a picture up of today

40sman's picture

Is that the workout on your profile? Looks great. I've been back to training for 10 weeks, mainly Stronglifts 5x5 and a few weeks Wendler 5/3/1 with BBB Accessory exercises. Do you think your workout or hitting your body parts twice a week (Phat) would be better right now?