IrishJerk's picture
  • 54

+ 3 What’s your go to snack?


When I am watching my calorie consumption. I eat some string cheese spiced up with some Tony Chacere’s Creole seasoning.
Just enough to keep my stomach satisfied, sometimes it isn’t practical to pound down a shake at work. “ but I do keep a container around just in case”
What do you do?

Sam I Am's picture

Sounds delicious.

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IrishJerk's picture

There awesome I like the pizza bites too.

RangerVet's picture

Next time you go to grocery store gotta try them. 5 dollars of pure heaven lol

IrishJerk's picture

Dang man I’m getting hungry!!
Haha +1

wanted's picture

Cottage cheese and celery

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IrishJerk's picture

Wise choice +

XmadXscientist's picture


stairmaster's picture

The only honest guy here haha

No seriously, I think a few cheat meals per week are absolutely okay, it's also good for your mind!
Eating always "clean" is a horrible thing to be honest, also when a lot healthy things taste delicious!

IrishJerk's picture

To be honest I usually order them without the bun extra pickles and onions. At least it makes me feel like I am not cheating.

XmadXscientist's picture

I kind of have to eat cheeseburgers now because I can’t get as many meals since I live in hotels during the week. So I shoot for a breakfast that consist of those oatmeal cups, which I put milk in at night and stick in the fridge, then a glass or two of whole milk with my coffee and one of those fiber one coffee cake things if I’m actually hungry in the morning.

As for lunch I usually eat a ridiculous amount and the same for dinner, usually 1200-1500 calories each. Depending on if I get back at a decent hour I can sometimes squeeze in a snack before I pass out.

I’ve been able to maintain weight this way but haven’t tried bulking yet. I’m of the opinion that if you avoid high sugar and fried foods you can be pretty judicious with your diet. Prepping for a show is obviously way more strenuous though.

IrishJerk's picture

Mc D doubles when they have the 2 for 3$

XmadXscientist's picture

I hit up steak and shake or Culver’s, and sometimes Wendy’s since they all seem to use real beef. There’s something weird about McDonald’s and Burger Kings beef.

IrishJerk's picture

Love steak-n-shake and Wendy’s We don’t have Culiver’s around here I will have to hit one up on my travels to try.
BK definitely will pass them by it is the Acetylene they taste funny.
Mc D is just gut wad hahah
I read a post this morning about White Castle and got hungry