Eminemsroyaltys's picture
  • 125

Critique my diet


Current weight 185
Height 5' 9"
Bodyfat percent 14%

Goal to lean out

Tren Ace .25 per day ED
Test Prop 1.0 per day ED
Var 25 x2 per day

Nutrition Plan

Meal 1:

1 cup of rolled oats (pre-cooked weight before cooking)
1/2 cup blueberries
12 egg whites/1 yolk or 2 scoops whey with tbsp flax seed oil
Meal 2:

20 almonds
2 scoops whey
Meal 3:

Chicken/Tuna Salad with balsamic Vinaigrette/ almonds
Add one mini can of tuna and 4 oz chicken breast to a large bowl of salad and 20 almond slices with BV dressing
Meal 4:

1 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 cup fruit
After Workout But Before Cardio:

Consume 4 scoops Scivation Xtend-this contains BCAA and Glutamine. ABSOLUELY Vital to keep your body healthy.
Meal 5: Immediately After Cardio Session

32 oz Gatorade or 2 scoops Vitargo
2 scoops Whey
Meal 6 (Bedtime):

2 scoops Casein protein/1 TBSP natural peanut butter

N1co99's picture

Eat more "real food" instead of powder.

vocor's picture

A couple of things: lean protein and high fiber will help combat hunger and feel full, which to me is the key battle to fight during weight loss. Plus, they take more calories to digest. Lean chicken, omelettes, and veggies at every meal for me.
Also, what are your goals and timeframe? "lean out" how fast and how much?
Do you know what your RMR is? If you do, it is simple to compare that to your cals in, to get an idea of how long it will take to reach your goal.
Good luck. The publication of the meal plan shows the commitment.

wallabokkie's picture

I think that if you want to lean up then you can cut back on the oats a bit bro. Might even be a few tomany egg whites in there also. I would drop that to 8. As for the protien powder that is what could be making or breaking it as well. Alot of these powders have a ton of sugar in them. Unless its a very clean source of powder I would drop it, on that note you are way better off eating your calories than drinking them (if possible). As for the fruit before cardio, I know you are having that to give you some energy but as it contains alot of sugar in fruit you are burning that during your cardio instead of fat stores. You definately need some veggies in there as well. The one thing that you cant over eat on is salads. They are a negative calorie food. What this means is that your body will burn more calories digesting the food than it contains, so smash salads with the dressing as long as it has no fat and low sodium. The Xtend I would consume straight after my workout. Its designed for imediate intake of BCAA's (thats what food becomes after the digestion has taken place, roughly I know its not the exact science of it and I am sure someone will place the medical journal explination of it). You also need to get rid of the gatorade all together. This has more sugar in it than coke and really not that beneficial to rehydration. Appart from that it looks ok. Good luck bro

breadbarry's picture

...no veggies? Many benefits from them, especially when leaning out.

Like eire says, try replacing some of your shakes with some lean meat/fish. Also, try replacing the gatorade with a fast digesting grain like white rice instead of the gatorade. I don't know what is in the Xtend, but if it has any carbs in it before your cardio, do not take it.

You taking any other supps besides your morning juice?

What is your cardio/training like?

eire's picture

i would eat solid food like chicken instead of the shakes, shakes don't keep me full at all, but i have a big appetite... ESPECIALLY when i throw steroids into the mix.