LiLEviL's picture
  • 33

Egg Whites


Guys I hate waking up in the mornings and having to separate eggs. It's not terrible but it's time consuming and I'm definitely not a morning person, I usually am half asleep and get some shell in the bowl or something then I gotta dig it out and...

Any one buy egg whites already separated online? Also what are the most cost effective egg whites online?

careyjesus's picture

what does work of white egg?describe

SL's picture

you can get them at walmart pretty cheap organic too I'm pretty sure got some about 2 weeks ago, I make omelets with mine I can't eat em raw for some weird reason

Orlag's picture

I buy 3kg bags of egg white powder, and mix a large scoop and two whole eggs for my scrambled eggs every morning, tastes great as long as you put 1 or 2 real eggs in.
the rest goes into protein shakes.

wallabokkie's picture

Hey mate not too sure where you got that info from about the good fats in egg yolks and eating them raw. The yolk contains cholesterol and it's not the good one. However there are enzymes in the yolk that aid in digesting the albumin (white). That is why you eat 1-2 egg yolks per 6-8 eggs. As for eating them raw that great if you want to chance getting salmonella poisoning. Also our body can't digest raw eggs thats why when they are eaten you fart so much. That just my .02 worth. Not saying you are wrong. Any way keep up with your training bro. Good luck

Muffintop315's picture

I agree with you about not eating them raw, but the notion of the yolk being 'bad' is extremely outdated and only really propagated by soccer moms these days. In a healthy individual, serum cholesterol levels are not significantly impacted by dietary cholesterol. Well, assuming you're getting in at least a moderate amount of fiber!

People that should watch their cholesterol intake are the ones with a high risk of coronary heart disease, extremely obese individuals, or some of guys on more juice than they have in the fridge. Even this is more of a case of "rather be safe than sorry" though, because most every study ever conducted showing a strong correlation has either been on individuals at high risk (meaning just about anything could have increased their risk) or very old.

Livin large's picture Chocalate is fantastic!

eatbig's picture

Take a look at this. They ship real egg whites directy to you packed in ice. They say this product is ran through a process (pasturization)that eliminates bacteria but doesn't cook the egg whites and makes them tasteless/odorless. They claim ''When you cook an egg white to the point of scrambled eggs, you are overcooking the protein and denaturing the true value of the protein.'' Anybody tried these?

Muffintop315's picture

Don't stress their little end claim, they obviously haven't taken a general biology class. You cook your meat before you eat it right? Denaturing a protein is not the same as destroying it. You're simply causing the protein to lose its structure (and thus its function.) Considering its transported down in that tummy of yours anyways (which produces hydrochloric acid with a pH ranging between 1-2ish) it's going to get denatured one way or another! You eat protein for the amino acids they're made of, not for the actual 'protein' itself.

eatbig's picture

your rite, its prolly just a marketing scam for them to make a quick buck. Sure their product prolly works to get some amino acids but they just try to come up with some things to say to talk their product up to make more money.

eatbig's picture

Did you call them and ask why they wernt shipping them to you? What did they say? I would be pissed.

0000_soldier's picture

The origional basis for cholesterol being bad is a marketing taking advantage of a flawed study, it was done on rabbits and rabbits do not eat meat, the is also record of a man who lived with inhuits for 18 yrs he ne at fat blubbery foods and meat only, you also manufacture way more than you can ever eat. ecto, endo and meso have all been linked with cholestrol issues and has nothing to do with consumption it is to do with stress as it is released as part of flight and fight system to protect the body.

I eat 12+ eggs a day whole im fine been doing so for months on end, animal fats are also gd for you. Separated egg white also go through a heating process, this will denature the quality, whole fresh organic farm is the best, but i cant afford at the moment so Tesco is! scrambled at a low heat is best not to destroy quality. Cheap manufactured chickens are given anti-biotics and ppl that have worked with them in environments have become immune to anti-biotics, so organic is best when you can afford in long run as they are not just corn fed, also.

notsotan's picture

Guys - the information that the yolks are bad for you was from studies done in the 1970's before the difference between the effects of HDL and LDL was understood. Back then, they thought all cholesterol was bad. Recent studies show whole eggs increase good cholesterol and have no effect on bad cholesterol until you get up to 6 or so a day. Most of the nutrition in the egg comes from the yolk, not the whites. All of the vitamins and more than half the minerals in an egg are in the yolk. 40% of the protein is in the yolk as well, along with almost all of the flavor! So... if you don't like separating eggs, just eat the whole thing. Yeah, it's got some fat in it, but so what? The body absolutely needs fatty acids in order to function properly. Plus it's a lot easier to get 3500 cal from a diet which includes a reasonable amount of fat because fat has 9 cal per gram versus 4 for protein and carbs. And fat doesn't cause insulin spikes like some carbs do. If you buy free-range eggs, they are also a source of Omega-3.

OnSomeHulk's picture

That sounds so amazing thanks man! Printed and trying tomorrow morning!!!!

popeye's picture

Powdered egg whites also make excellent scrambled eggs/omellets and other mixes where eggs are required. Just add a 1/4 cup milf to every 25g egg white powder.