RedChaos's picture
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Anadrol + Winstrol as first cycle



Been doing research for some weeks and ended up ordering both Anadrol and Winstrol for my first ever cycle.
Also got Mesterolone, Clomid and Nolvadex

Here are some specs:
25 years old
10-12% bf
Physical worker, lifting from 1.5 up to 2.5 tons every day 5-6days a week with my bare hands and back. Besides of that, everyday workout at home with my own weight or a 20kg chestplate to maintain the rest of the body (ain't vaccinated so rn im banned at the gym, so it's a temporal solution) Could say I have a fit life If you have in mind I quit smoking and drinking at all months ago.
I've been training for years and never got under 10% body fat or visible muscle gains. I keep a healthy diet (having in mind all micro and macro nutrients) I have a high metabolism (at about 1900-2100kcal/d) and clearly that's not enough for me to get bigger. Even with supplements, mass gainers, creatine and bcaa's. Honestly I got tired of that already.
Currently at a kcal surplus at about 3500-4000, almost forcing myself to eat 5 times a day.

I would like to ask you, experienced people, about the best dosage since i've read many different opinions (from lower dose to higher in mid-cycle to lower at the end, same constant dose during the whole cycle...).
From what I know and from what I have seen, these two combine well for a good growth and lowering bodyfat overall.

Best way to learn is asking, so how should I start?
Also if I'm missing anything please point it out as it's my first post.
PD: omw for bloods, just had no time yet to ask for it and I know it's important to see liver and test levels before start.

AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Never understood the all oral route. I always do straight injectables, for the reasons Makwa mentions. I dont wanna shit out my liver or kidneys.

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Makwa's picture

First off, you never run an oral only cycle. You are going to shut down your HPTA and have no test in your system and will feel like complete dogshit. Now for the 5-6 wks that you would be running that cycle you would obviously gain some weight and think you are doing good. You will not gain any appreciable muscle in that time frame. Going to burst your bubble now, all that weight you did gain is all glycogen loading. You will lose it all once you are done and likely lose even more muscle since now you have to recover your HPTA since you have no natty test in you. You are taking 1 step forward and 3 steps back trying to run an oral only cycle.

Until you can get into an actual gym or set up one at your place, I wouldn't invest the effort into running a cycle. The training stimulus you require isn't going to be there to make running a cycle worthwhile. Body weight and a 20kg chestplate and lifting 2.5tons with your bare hands everyday isn't going to cut. Just for a frame of reference, my workout the other day was back and delts. In 56 minutes, I lifted over 26 tons during that workout.

Stay toned up and in relatively good shape working out at home and when the time comes, and you can step back into the gym then you should be ready to run a beginner cycle of test e. Lots of good beginner cycle info on this site. This is where you should be doing your research, not where running an all oral cycle appeared like a good idea.

Good luck.

RedChaos's picture

I’ve seen you all over the place giving advice and honestly I was waiting you come by here too.
Appreciate the advice, now I have a better and more clear plan of what to do.

press1's picture

As a first cycle this is Horrific in many ways bud, first off with those 2 orals you will get very strong and powerful very quickly which having never previously even run Test before will potentially get you injured just in terms of muscle tears and ruptures. However the main problem (even forgetting there is no test base there) is that although those 2 compounds will get you very strong, at the same time the winny makes your tendons very dry and brittle and effectively much weaker in comparison to the rapidly increasing muscle strength. Tendons already take 3 times longer than muscle to heal which is why they are already prone to injury as they cannot match the rate the muscle heals. Once you snap or shear a tendon mate there is no going back, even if it is repaired via surgery it will never be the same again. I have known many guys rip tendons and after their lifting careers have been severely affected. Just stick to a Test E only cycle of 500mg/wk or less if you prefer and get use to that first. You will already progress further with just that than you ever have before as a natty believe me Smile You'll get a nice steady rate of strength and muscle mass without the risk of a big injury - also running Anadrol and Winny with no test base will feel nasty, you'll have no energy and will likely feel depressed. I get the feeling you are scared of the needle too? This is generally why people like to shoot for a couple of orals as a first cycle knowing no better. I was scared of injecting at first too, but it is the far safer way of going when running steroids in terms of detrimental effects it has on your internal organs. You will keep much more of your gains too when you come off and PCT than with orals, which will go as quickly as they came. Just load up the barrel and psyche yourself up, even if it takes 2 hours of hesitating and anxiety once you have overcome the biggest mental hurdle of it all which we can all attest to at some point, you'll realise it was all a lot of worrying over nothing. Be sure to look up correct injection procedures before you do it too as I have a feeling you won't have yet if you have had your mind set on orals.

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RedChaos's picture

First of all thanks Smile
No, I’m not scared of needles haha they’ve been part of me since I started getting tattoos and piercings, pierced myself few times too. Also been donating blood since I’m 18.
I just feel more comfortable about Orals I guess…
But yeah, dry tendons and posible follow ups sound horrible. Although calisthenic exercise won’t make it much safer than lifting? Because lifting 6kg bars at work doesn’t feel like exercise at all.
I’ve been thinking about additional test pins just in case like you said but I’m not convinced yet so I guess I’ll just wait a little more until I reorder and complete all things I need or until someone comes up with another idea, because lower doses of both (25mg/ed instead of 50mg of each) won’t change the actual side effects level right?

press1's picture

Lol I got the needles thing totally wrong then ROFL

Problem is though is if you continue not to get vaccinated then how long is it until you can use the gym again? If this is going to be quite a while then I would be tempted not to run anything at all until you can do some proper weighted lifting again. I'm not sure I could personally justify cycling just on bodyweight lifting alone if its going to be for a long period. Maybe if you had been cycling and had to stop for a month or two because the gym has just shut and were trying to maintain what you have built then test alone would be good. I really cannot support the idea even of running low doses of orals by themselves I'm afraid.

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RedChaos's picture

As long as it takes to ship my home equipment, ordered a multi purpose bench and separated weights too. Gym part is covered soon !

Makwa's picture

Hit that home gym hard with a good diet to build up a solid foundation and then you should be ready to get your feet wet with a cycle.

press1's picture

That's a Great start then mate, as you haven't trained for a while most likely - get a good strength foundation going there first if you have lost anything from the gym. I train at home as do many guy's on here Good

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iFit's picture

Hey, at least he was honest… “been making my own research for weeks”. Anyway, you should publish your research on Reddit. I’m sure you can find a few takers.

RedChaos's picture

I guess “I read on internet” is easier to understand.
Anyways if all you have to say is about my grammar and not about the topic itself it's pretty much an opinion I'm not looking for right here.
I would look for it on Reddit.

iFit's picture

Almost as bad. Do your research here on Eroids. There’s plenty of info for you. Throw out everything else you found.