Shamrockseany's picture
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-1 Letrozole kill gains


Hi all just a quick question on letrozole,I'm very gyno prone so when I ordered my npp,test and dbol stack for my next cycle I got letrozole as well because other ai's never really did work at keeping gyno away on cycle,now I'm reading that letro will kill my gains because it will kill all my estrogen and I need estro to build muscle,is this true and if so is there a low dose of letro I could take that would do the job of taking care of gyno but still leaving enough for gains,all insight appreciated

Rafasolo's picture

I as well have problems with Gyno and have been running letro at 1.5 EOD but i am considering going down to 1.5mg three times a week (m, w, f)

Theonslaught's picture

I use half a tab (2.5mg pill) of letro twice a week on cycle of 1500 gram test. It helps keep the estro in check but it's note enough to kill it in my experience.

I was considering using nova during cycle to keep estrogen away from nips, but i think my body acne will go nuts.

giardap's picture

yeah right


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Dolf's picture

Hey brother I too am e2 sensitive. Being e2 sensitive/gyno prone ai's are very important, and unfortunately costly. I never use ugl ai's only pharmaceutical grade such as Astra Zeneca adex, and Pfizer aro. Bloodwork is ultra important to know exactly what's going on. Nolva is good to add in if you're in an active state of gyno, and works best when paired with aro. Letro is a last resort imo. I'd have it onhand just in case, but would try pharm grade aro, and adex first.

Also when new to a site as I am also new to this site if you have questions it's always better to read the rules, make an intro, list your stats, and your aas experience. That'll help get you better answers to your questions brother.

TheFlash85's picture

No brands in forums.

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Dolf's picture

Sorry...won't happen again.

Theonslaught's picture

Why would igf drop? I guess i don't know about this since letro has been the only ai that didn't drop my igf.

DfromPhilly's picture

I never knew letro to lower IGF. Unless he means by crushing e2 for an extended period, which I forget if that has an effect. To my knowledge nolva is the only IGF lowering serm or AI, but I could be wrong on that, and the lowering it has is supposed to be negligible.

Side note: Aro supposedly raises IGF a bit, I'm surprised it lowered yours. Just goes to show how shit reacts differently in everyone.

Theonslaught's picture

Oops Idk what happened when I typed that.

I meant to say letro and exem didn't lower igf.
i use letro because it's cheaper. How the hell did I miss type that. My bad.

RickRock1086's picture

Man I'm getting gyno even at 180mg/week. I feel your pain. I order me some letro because I felt immune to Arimidex & Aromasin. Planning on doing half a tab every 3 days.

Ronburgundy's picture

If you're that prone to gyno, you should run a serm on cycle too--nolva or ralox. It sucks to add something additional, but they will at least block the receptors and give you that added level of protection--especially if you are playing with your ai dose trying to dial it in. Even small fluctuations in hormones can flare up sensitive tissue. Also, drop the dbol.

waterhead235's picture

You are right on the money as far as treating the problem. I just don't understand why he is dead set on running shit that doesn't agree with him.

waterhead235's picture

If you are prone to gyno why in world are you running dbol?? Take a step back and rethink the whole cycle. Don't take drugs that your body doesn't like.

Ronburgundy's picture

Agree, dbol and gyno no bueno

Gettingbig's picture

This is very true there are plenty of non aromatasing compounds that will help you achieve your goals and keep estro down.

waterhead235's picture

Damn straight brother. I won't even run my test over 200mg/wk because the estrogen starts to get out of control. Learn what your body likes/dislikes and don't fight it!!

Gettingbig's picture

I have thought about using letrozole myself
Aromasinis getting crazy expensive

Gettingbig's picture

I have thought about using letrozole myself

waterhead235's picture

You're not picking up what he's puttin down. He's not talking about Ai's. He's telling you to research steroids that don't aromatize heavily. You really need to do some reading man.

waterhead235's picture

I was trying to be nice but considering that you are a know it all little fuck, maybe I'll explain it better. If you like milk and are lactose intolerant are you going to drink milk? If you have half a brain the answer is NO! You will drink a lactose free milk. So do some fucking research and find some steroids that won't make you grow titties.

Gettingbig's picture

Its not about reading but he is correct I was just saying that tbol var primo ace no estro to worry about. Then there are inj like dhb or dht that would help you keep your estro easier to manage thats all

Gettingbig's picture

Its like pale said its all about dialing in your ai to meet your individual needs. If you're really gyno prone then letrozole is probably the ai for you. Run blood work on cycle to make sure that you don't crash your estro rather than just guessing. It will help you learn how to dial it in.

BigWA67's picture

I was just gonna ask about blood work but you beat me to it blood work should always over shadow any guessing when on cycle in my opinion

Pale's picture

Dose dependent. If you take a lot of letro it will crash you, but many of us find a little letro perfect. I take a half one twice a week and it keeps my levels perfect.

TheFlash85's picture

This ^^

Gotta dial in what works.


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12stone's picture

Exactly. I swear over time.i became immune to arimidex and had a hard time dialing in aromasin. Low dose of letro 3 days a week is perfect for me, dose varies on amount of test.

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