Wheetees's picture
  • 61

Deca shut down pct? Extra pct?


He guys just finished a test n tool cycle. 12 week. I was gonna run NPP due to a friends recommendation. But after having bad sides and hearing the horror stories of shut down I dropped it. I shot about 500mg one week and second about 300 then dropped so a total of two weeks. I'm now two weeks into pct. 100mg clomid, 40mg of nolva ed.

Should I run a tad bit longer than normal like 6 weeks maybe to be safe. Then get bloods and see where I'm at? Any advice is appreciated.

shiva4's picture

Deca and NPP are different, they are both nandrolones but have different esters attached. Deca has a half life of about 10 days and NPP has about 2.5-3.5, depending on where you check.

If you're worried about serious shutdown issues, its good that you stopped the NPP. Just FYI most people advise against using nolva for pct when having run a nandrolone because it can cause issues. hopefully since you only ran it for a short time it wont be problematic for you.

If you want to ensure you have a better recovery, get a blood panel done to check your estro, test, prolactin and all the other typical biomarkers. If your prolactin is high it will suppress your test production.

You ran into some issues that could have easily been avoided, this shows you did not conduct adequate research before initiating this cycle. In the future post your potential cycle proposal on here for feed back this will easily avoid issues like the ones you ran into.

Gh0st's picture

Why is nolva advised to avoid during PCT coming off a cycle of 19-Nors? What are the issues? What's the thought behind that? Honestly just curious I haven't heard it.

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waterhead235's picture

It is bro science. There is no medical proof of this.

Gh0st's picture

Yeah that's pretty much what I figured.

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The Impastable's picture

I've heard it before but never really understood the thought process behind it... and I haven't ran into problems myself during PCT after a 19nor.

Gh0st's picture

Pasta! Glad to hear you haven't had any problems.

Maybe some bros will chime in with their science ;-)

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Greengoblin111's picture

Spot on advice @shiva4, couldn't agree more with above. I rarely ever have problems recovering from NPP as its a short easter but Deca does really shut me down hard... So I always run test prop 2-3 weeks longer and have caber on hand to manage my prolactin levels. Everyone is different, I guess Deca/NPP is not for everyone.

If your estrogen is in check and you still get gyno symptoms or pain, you may want to look into caber to reduce your prolactin levels.

But the best advice as above is to get a blood panel done, this will tell you what is exactly wrong.

Wheetees's picture

Will be posting cycle plans for the future. When looking at deca and reading about it there isn't much talk about the shut down. Maybe due to most being on trt that use it? Idk just a thought.

Wheetees's picture

Agree and thank you for the advice. What problems does Nolva cause when running deca. Prolactin is good got that. Checked waiting to get bloods done two weeks after pct then once more 10 weeks or 12 to make sure everything back.

shiva4's picture

glad to hear youre on top of blood work

unreal89's picture

Taper your serms down 50mg clomid 20mg nolva..

Wheetees's picture

Planning on if tonight. Just was wondering if extra two weeks at that dose would help

waterhead235's picture

If it was week 1 and 2 the NPP shouldn't cause any problems with recovery. What ester of test and how long did you wait after last pin of test to start pct?

Wheetees's picture

3 days