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Why do you love Proviron?


Shout out to the company that sent me 100 50mg tabs of Proviron(check my pics for source info, no source talk in the forum.) By far loving it for the overwhelming good mood and crazy sex drive. It's by far my favorite oral, I won't run another cycle without it. Literally makes the days more enjoyable to a point my coworkers are asking what's up? I'm getting blood ran next week, will submit, because I'm running 100mg a day. I haven't taken an AI yet because I haven't had the need to, and bloods will either confirm this or I will start running an AI. Currently running NPP/mastP/test P @100mg each eod.

What's yalls input on Proviron?

llubtip's picture

I use it each cycle now. First one was without it and I ran into libido issues. 500mg/w test, 40mg var/d. Since then I have used 25mg proviron and have never had any issues other than... some hair line loss. Combating that with proscar. regular test causes that for me as well but was accelerated with proviron. I wouldn't cycle without it. Worth it for the libido alone but also hardens me up (no pun intended) (ok was intended) and brings out the veins (intended again). Smile

GrowMore's picture

Always such a sickening love fest for proviron.. I've never understood it.

I've ran it 3 times now, once at 50ed split then the other 2 times at 25ed. I cant remember how long I could stand the stuff but I'm pretty sure I endured no more then a couple of weeks.

Why? The stuff send me into fully loaded pervert mode. From banging complete warthogs (I was single at the time), 5 knuckle shuffling it 18+ times a day all the way firm to even considering wanking off in toilets to try and stop the uncontrollable one eyed trouser snake and it's insane sex drive.

This post has been written in a comical way but I'm being deadly serious I won't touch the stuff, I'm horny enough as it is.

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GrowMore's picture

When you start thinking about your own hole you've been running to much..

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zeb0312's picture

I belive if you're subject to male pattern baldness then compounds will speedup the hairloss process.
I have never had a hairloss issue on any compound including provi and mast.

But I know guys who have had issues so leads me to believe that it just makes the hair loss process faster.....

zeb0312's picture

Just my exsperience with it....

No sir bro just plain old

Sir Zeb reminds me of Elton John.....

Now watch my shit fallout tonight while I'm Look like a dam snake in the morning....

konig's picture

I love the stuff, never run a cycle without it.. even caught myself using it long after my cycle Lol, had to knock that off though..

Gymjunkie01's picture

Provi is like adding nitro to your engine IMO.. good rule of thumb I was told and have used for years

500 mg of test a week or under 50mg of provi a day
1000mg of test a week 100 mg of provi a day

As some will say it has very weak anti AI properties but DO NOT rely on it as a AI make sure you have it all on hand in case shit turns south on you and you need to get things under control

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chunkypbnj's picture

Totally eliminates my from breaking out. Without it, back gets awful.

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PPGfreak's picture

Never tried it but only hear good things!