Sabby's picture
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Testosterone Boosters: To invest or not to invest


What you say about this. Should invest in it or not?

Sculpted's picture

MY experience it any of the flashy text booster are just just flashy bottles of marketing that boost your NO levels in your blood, which gives you boners and therefore makes you assume your T levels are up. But as far as an over the counter product that boosts you natural T level DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) is the only proven product. It's not gonna blow you up like cutler but it will give you gyno if your not taking an Anti Estrogen. I personally only use it for PCT to kick start my natural production

Muscle Freak's picture

IMHO I think the supplement companies are evil bastards trying to sell ideas to naive children. Just spend 1/10 of the money you were going to give to muscle tech and buy a bottle of test.

vhman's picture

trying to sell ideas to naive a bottle of test.

I do see the point you're making (and agree with the supplement companies), but are you suggesting/pushing test to youngsters? Maybe I just mis-read....

Muscle Freak's picture

Lol, I guess I could have elaborated more on my rant. That isn't what I meant at all. Those magazine ads are geared toward noobs. When a kid sees an ad for cell tech with jay cutler standing there, they automatically assume they can get that big on a $5,000 jug of sugar.

vhman's picture

There is no question about most supplements and companies out there. Just like anything else, the user really needs to put some research in to see the effectiveness and safety of what you put into your body.
Otherwise your just a pawn for the companies.

warpAqualung's picture

Does tribulus even have any scientific proof of working?

BigThing's picture

I'm using some test boosters that have some research behind them such as DAA, horny goat weed in PCT. I can't say that they help but it puts my mind on rest knowing that I'm doing everything I can to recover. Just don't get fooled into buying overpriced supplements pushed on some bords (elite, nbtm) as you can find the same ingredients much cheaper. Also I would stick to the basic ones that have solid research behind them because some herbs can be actually counter productive and slow negatively affect hpta recovery. Most importantly, these will not substitite propet PCT. As far as using them of cycle for pure muscle gain, honestly I did not feel any difference while taking them, but I'm still relatively young. For a person past their 40's with low levels of testosteron, it might give an actuall boost.

birdbear27's picture

If you're over 50 or have low t, otc natural test boosters have some benefit. But its not gonna be super spectacular.

DBG's picture

Yea I invest in it...all the testosterone boosters are right here, readily available from all the top sources you can find ;-)