adamaiden's picture
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Deadlifting with a slower eccentric phase so the gym doesn't kick me out


Hey guys. I have been lifting at LA Fitness for a few years. I have recently started doing heavy deadlifts. I use a conventional stance. I target reps that range from 3-15. The weights typically hit the floor with a lot of force. I was told by a trainer that I was not allowed to powerlift in the gym. The gym employee told me I cannot allow the weights to hit the floor with a lot of force or noise. Would it be okay for me to perform deadlifts with a slow negative and set the weight down softly? I realize I would have to lower the resistance. I am just concerned about suffering a back injury from focusing on the eccentric phase of the conventional deadlift. Any thoughts would be great. I have only been deadlifting for about 18 months.

Makwa's picture

If you can't control the weight through the entire range of motion you should lower the weight. Slow those negatives down and set the weight down under control, that is when you grow.

Bulkdaddy's picture

I would be the dick slamming weights on the ground after they said something! It's a gym! I'm pretty sure you pay a maintnence fee each year!

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t-bol's picture

I totally agree with you and I have been told off many times, however once I learned the source of all the pussy nagging, I droped my weight and broke the floor board which ended up closing off that part of gym for about week which inconvenienced everybody, alas we do not live in a time when gyms are built in places that meant to be gyms, L.A fitness is like mall

heady muscle's picture

Unless I am maxing out, I never let the plates hit the floor on the bottom movement. I train at a powerlifting gym and they would have no problem with me banging the weights. But I read many years ago, the best way to up your deadlifts is by not setting down after each rep. Works for me.

Powerpump888's picture

If I were you I'd find another gym . Any employee of a gym tells you something like that doesn't belong working in a gym an doesn't say much for the gym . What you need to do is find a power lifting / strong man gym if you never been in one you would be in heaven . I know of a really good one but its in the south don't know where you rezide but if you want you can pm me

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bobbrown's picture

Im thinking you need to search for a hard core gym. It sounds like your looking for more drive anyway! The difference is night and day! And the best part....... Grunting, farting, trash talking, weight slamming and loud music happen all the time!

SDABPT's picture

I got kicked out of 10gym for maxing out on deads. No joke got up to 455# and the district manager stopped me and it didnt ens well. When i joined my new gym i told the owner what happened and he said he would kick me out for not dropping the weight. So the moral to this story is.... find a new gym. When you lower the weight slowly it uses energy for the next lift in my opinion. If you are serious about making gains you need to do heavy dead lifts. Find a gym that will support your goals.

Heavyweight's picture

Go to a new gym or put some weight matts/pads under, and improve control on the negative.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Find a new gym Smile

in10ence's picture

Just remember on the slow eccentric phase to not get ROUNDED in your upper back....make sure you keep your form and all should be fine. You could even throw in some RDLs ...the weights would never touch the ground until you were done with your set.

Beltabuser's picture

La fitness is a joke. I'm using one of their facilities while my lifetime is getting renovated. I was dead lifting this week, doing a speed set in which I started at 315 and added quarters after each rep until I got to 465. Obviously I was going fast and clanking the weights a bit. Someone was doing corner tbar rows and slamming the weights around. The little baby trainer who was training a woman next to me was talking so much shit about all the noise. By the appearances of the trainers at this la I wouldn't have any of them train me. I can't wait to leave this gym for so many reasons. Shitty equipment. Dbags. Small amount of benches. Etc. many beautiful women though! I suggest finding a new gym, but until you do.. You're fine using slow negs but don't fail. You could also bring a few beach towels and set the plates on those.

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