GymTime88's picture
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Does this seem like one of those “let’s do it because we can” type things? Seems a bit overboard to me. I’m a test E type of guy. I get the idea of sustanon, but why this?
Test Decanaote 90mg
Test cypionate 150mg
Test isocaproate 75mg
Test Phenyipropionate 75mg
Test propionate 60mg
Test acetate 50mg
How do you even use that lmao

press1's picture

Its basically a bigger, more concentrated version of sustanon dosed at 500mg/ml. To some guys running say 1 gram of test per week that would equate to pinning it just twice a week, or if you pin it EOD then its just .5ml in the barrel together with say your NPP for a much lower overall volume. Generally though its for someone who pins higher overall amounts of test and isn't PIP sensitive.

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GymTime88's picture

I’m mean, that’s true I guess.

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