Serg Feltersnatch's picture
Serg Feltersnatch
  • 28



Hey everyone. I just ordered some injectable oxytocin for the first time and I couldn't find many reviews. Has anyone tried it before? I was just curious about some feedback on it.

Livelife76's picture

Learn some weird shit on this damn site.... Lmao interesting, but the shits weird Smile

Serg Feltersnatch's picture

It seems cool. I ordered some from a peptide source just to experiment with. It was $20. I'll post a review after I try it.

Masscheese638's picture

A doctor prescribed it to my friend. To help him bond with his wife more. Supposed to take it before sex. Has nothing to do with erection just bonding. Had to keep it in the fridge. Pill form

shiva4's picture

That's actually really cool! I knew it could help with that but I've never heard of it being used for that in the clincal world.

shiva4's picture

Yeah it can be used to initiate labor. It helps start the contractions. Oxytocin is secreted mostly in women but some in men as well. It does create a strong bond between partners.

Women secrete it when they breast feed. This is one main reason why the bond between mothers and their children tend to be so much stronger than with the father. When a woman gives birth to twins they usually begin to breast feed the first child immediately, it stimulates more oxytocin which in turn increases contractions for the second childs birth.

Oxytocin is one reason why women can get more attached to a man after only having sex once. Anyone have sex with a girl in their teens and she thinks she's immediately in love? You probably thought she was crazy and ran away from her. Most likely it was just largely based on her hormones, oxytocin specifically.

Ronburgundy's picture

Yeah, I googled it and that is what I found lol. I'm not a peptide guy...I feel like half of it is fake, and the other half doesn't do shit.

333's picture

Wtf seriously injectable oxytocin keep that bullshit away from me if I were you I would throw that shit in the trash that shits for junkies

Serg Feltersnatch's picture

Lol, I was like what's this guy's problem? But I get it now. I'm definitely not talking about oxycotin.

joey_ragz's picture

lol I think you're thinking of OxyContin which is a prescription pain medication

shiva4's picture

I think you're confused as to what we are talking about here

333's picture

Lmfao yeah I read it to quick lol sorry guys

shiva4's picture

I'm familiar with it and have been curious as to what it would do in the exogenous form. What sparked your interest in trying it and what are you hoping to accomplish with it?

PPGfreak's picture

Honestly I've never even heard of it.