CBBurrr's picture
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Noobie friendly peptides


The world of peptides and research chems is a bit overwhelming!
Can anyone suggest some of the safer, more beginner friendly compounds for me to start reading up on?
I'm 45, looking into adding mass and cutting compounds.

swolen22's picture

Ghrp-6 Is a good one

GotThatBoom's picture

This is one topic I can help with quite a bit. Here is a summary of things for you to google up on:

1.) HGH: Instead go read up on CJC without DAC and Ipamoreline (Peptides). Less money, less sides
2.) Insulin: No, not for beginners, one bad mistake (oops I misdosed) and you are toe tagged. On that note I noticed my sugars elevate at the begining of a GHRP-2/CJC cycle, all of my bloodwork otherwise is normal.
3.) SARMs: Read up on Osatrine (MK-2866) and LGD-4033. Shy away from GW-501516 and AICAR until you have read a lot more and tried the former two IMHO

Related to both peptides and SARMs, read the actual studies that have been published on each chemical. You are going to see a few sources tell you everything is groovy, no sides, massive gains. Remember, marketing, and this is your life so be educated. Here is a link to just some of those studies.

*Scroll down to references


SARMs (in general) have the advantage of being tissue selective, meaning they primarily target skeletal muscle, unlike standard AAS. However, I always run a PCT posts LGD-4033 as it tends to shut things down a little for me.

mickey224's picture

I've read up everything I could about Ostarine, LGD, GW, and S4 but get conflicting information regarding their effect on hair loss. I found two comments about LGD and a few more about S4 use resulting in major hair loss. On the other hand, all the descriptions say that all sarms are safe. LGD has the least reviews anywhere on the web of any of them.

I only have one experience with roids: I took test 400 + equipoise + finasteride for 3 months and my hairline receded by almost an inch! MPB runs in my family. I definitely do not want to experience that again! So I can't take test again.

Do you know anyone prone to MPB who tried LGD and didn't experience hair loss?

And how long can one do a 15mg dose of Ostarine? If it has so few side effects, can someone take it alone for 3-4 months at a time?

Why shy away from GW?

CBBurrr's picture

Hey, Thanks Bro. Will read up on those links and studies. +1 to you.

Pmob's picture

R U talking peptides for suggestions ? Or just anything ??

In a promo × 1
CBBurrr's picture

Just the names of a few peptides that aren't known for having deadly sides, that kind of thing.
I read about some of these chems being really dangerous if used wrong, and somewhat dangerous if used right.
I plan to read up on the ones that are regarded as being fairly safe, and no need to study the ones for advanced users, cause I'm not gonna go there.

For instance, It looks like HGH is fairly noob freindly, while Insulin can be deadly if used wrong. I'm not gonna even consider it!

Eroids generally recommends a basic Test only cycle for a first AAS experience.
Is there an equivalent "first peptide cycle" for noobs?