Strykr's picture
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Advice for Increasing CJC 1295 with Ipamorelin


Hello. I am relatively new to gear. I have been on TRT (from the doctor) for about 5 months with 100mg a week. Three weeks ago, I began a cycle of CJC 1295 2mg with Ipamorelin 2mg. I am doing 200mcg a night before bed. I got the peptides from a compounding pharmacy and it was super expensive. While I can't see any results yet, I am down 5 lbs, but I've cleaned my diet. I am sleeping a lot better and deeper. Well, I just ordered some CENSORED CJC 1295 5mg with Ipamorelin 5mg. I am looking to add another dose each day to supplement the night-time dose. How much should I take? I definitely don't want to do too much. I have heard that taking 300 mcg twice a day is ok. Any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Just realised might want to edit out brand names not aloud to mention in open forum.

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Pushing Iron 87's picture

I ran cjc 1295 but without dac with Ipamorelin 3 times a day for about a year had great results leaned right out and with some lowish dose of steroids got great synergy. Strength and size went up good bit while staying lean but that was later into using same as HGH real results are longer term.
Cjc without dac causes your body to release burts of GH in pulses mimicking more like your body's natural function which in my opinion is better for you. With dac longer term may not be so great for the pituitary as it causes a constant slow GH bleed.
I'm not sure if you already know this from your post but GHRP's to work properly you need to be fasted 2 hours before dosing and 30 mins after or the pulse will be blunted and not do what it should. I found this meant 1st thing in the morning last thing at night and then once in middle of night to be best protocol.

Last thing at night is when your body is primed to release the most GH cause this is when your body naturally releases GH so you can piggy back this pulse with your night time doses and make large pulses.

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Strykr's picture

Thanks for the advice and info about what is allowed on forum and what's not. Yea, I saw a doctor who prescribed it for me and I'm planning to run it for 6 months. That is what they recommended to see optimal results. The thing is, I've read a lot of similar things that you posted about pinning more than once a day. So, thanks for that. I'm gonna add the early morning shot, fasted of course. I'm looking forward to the advancements. I already feel a lot better. For example, I was 500 to 600 MG of caffeine before, now I'm down to about 200. Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope to have similar results. Also, I'm sleeping better.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Yeah ipamorelin out of all the peptides has the best sleep enhancing effects it puts you into REM sleep alot quicker and you get real vivid dreams I always woke up feeling like I slept alot better and felt fresher.

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Pushing Iron 87's picture

Sorry with all due respect if you read into alot of the most respected and knowledgable people on the subject of peptides this is true with the exception of cjc with dac. And I would also disagree with you on ipamorelin becoming ineffective after 12 weeks have you any personal experience with this compound as if you did I think you would realise that isn't the case I can tell you this from my own experience.

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Strykr's picture

Thanks, Shred 777. I appreciate the concern and info. I may not have mentioned in OP that my main source is coming from the doctor and Compounding pharmacy. I'm getting mylevels checked regularly. I'm just wanting to add another little dose in the a.m. for a while along with the low dose of test cyp.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Not once did I recommend him to run anything for a year I said what I have done. I have ran peptides multiple times and plenty of times on there own so I know what they where and wherent doing. Not going to be yet another person to get into petty disagreements with you who thinks they know better than everyone on everything.

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Pushing Iron 87's picture

Receptor desensitization only happens rapidly with hexarellin. And CJC with dac longer term isn't recommended. CJC w/out dac does not desensitive rapidly like you claim. Your approach to many people on this site is the stupid thing and this is my last post on this with you as I wont get sucked into another one of your petty drama's .

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