giardap's picture
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What the fark is wrong with them?

I have 3, my Mrs. and 2 little girls. Love them to bits. But yeah I am probably a little mysoginistic, but usually base it upon truisms... women are more.... feelings'y and into people/caring... whereas men like gadgets and such nonsense. We fix things and break them, then invent new stuff, and drive for enjoyment... etc. But women... well they are made to care... babies, be nurses, whatever... they have biologically evolved this way.

But women...
Out there in public,... they seem... a lot more angry or bitter. All this new age feminism shit,... they are breeding them in colleges, trying to indoctrinate us all in the workplace.... Every god damned sleaze case is seemingly a reason for chicks to rant and rage at ALL men. And now... they are trying to indoctrinate us all to grow boys up to be their notion of what a man should be.

BUT! At the end of the day, their clock ticks,
they drop out and have families. They dont, generally, climb the ladder, earn the bigger bucks.... as a result of biology.

So why the fark moan, whinge, whine and vilify those of us who DONT take breaks, DO do the hard and heavy work. It is fuckhedddd uppppp.

They are also queens of double standards:
If I dont answer my Mrs. texts (on time!), Im a blaggard, but she can do as she chooses. If I spend on myself I am thoughtless, but holy shit where did that designer handbag come from? If I build a wendy house for the girls I am great, but if I need a beer and sit down in the sun afterwards Im a prick and better get with the rest of the shit that needs doing!!!! Whereas every time she puts a wash on, does the hoovering (albeit after a half day in work!), she needs a farking sleep! Oh and a week off fucking riding once a month FFS... How the FARK is an AAS user supposed to happily accept that one?!!....*(but I still do/have to!)
OH and let's not mince our words here! They all demand we conform to their notion of what a man should be..... BUT... we know god damned well they like a bit of rough too.

Women cant drive properly, cant build beds, shelves or wendy houses from scratch.
Women are designed to breed and care for babies. Women are smaller and weaker than us. Women are less fun with children than men. Women make the absolute best possible partners for us blokes... the best mothers for our kids and these differences need to be celebrated.

In short... they need to stfu relax a bit... we aren't all that bad FFS!!!

< /rant >

UgtaBkdNme's picture

I’m a chick and I agree with most of that. I’m a firm believer women were made to do what men cannot. We are a team, no two people are equal. I can however build anything. I’m with your wife on the texting though, I hate being left on read. Women are just more needy than men. For example if my husband wasn’t ignoring me today I wouldn’t be on here answering this random crap online.

giardap's picture

For example if my husband wasn’t ignoring me today I wouldn’t be on here answering this random crap online

Hahaha nice 1! That's adds some perspective right there! WB. Your physique is fkn unreal by the way. Quite clear you can do whatever you set your mind to.

fusebox's picture

Welcome back

Greg's picture

LOL, well if that isn't a wakeup call to all men.

Guys, you better be answering your wifes texts or she'll be chatting with someone like me on a AAS forum.

giardap's picture
Ozninjaguy's picture


giardap's picture

Good girl Rusty, good girl, well done.'s picture

You don't know what being bipolar is or anything about women so why even post here.

you know steveb I wanna say something but i'm not gonna, because there's nothing wrong with it. But this and other things you have said you know just maybe you need to relax bro, because it is 2019 its ok .

giardap's picture

Steve, atp,
it's all good boys. Ignore it, don't get involved, no point.

Pale's picture

Sorry, we don't have time for all that bullshit.

giardap's picture

Tren/TRT is going well I see!

Rusty, honestly I dont care or mind if you are bipolar, but please stop stalking me across posts, it is kinda creepy.

TrenAllDay's picture

What other creature can bleed for a week straight and not die?

That’s gotta say something....

giardap's picture

LMAO, yeah that sums it up!
I love my Mrs. but yeah that irrefutable fact creates a trust issue for sure haha

daksmack's picture

You don’t know a woman until you find out what she wants from you. Then you will know her.

Owes a Review × 2 In a promo × 1
giardap's picture

They want it all man!
Actually, sometimes I think mine just wants a puppy dog that doesnt answer back and sits when told!

0newheelup's picture

Women are drawn to us because of our strength, confidence, masculinity, and our violent nature. But once they got us they try to reverse all that so we just belong to them and no other women will want us! Got to keep that Man Card brother.. lol

giardap's picture

Im working on it bro lol

0newheelup's picture

I'm working on it too. Smh. Lol

Kgp's picture

The vigina is a very powerful thing...

giardap's picture


Immortaltech's picture

I know bro, they're weird creatures, but u cant live without them

In a promo × 1
Greg's picture

Some men can big boy ;-)

Makwa's picture

I'm still trying to figure out what a wendy house is??

Greg's picture

A play house.

giardap's picture

Painted pink no less, with flowers and sunshine... glitter.... bows.... ugh

Fk it, I built it with my own hands from pallets. It is enough to maintain some shred of dignity!

Greg's picture

At least you have a guest house for Rusty when he comes to visit.

Ozninjaguy's picture

haha! I snorted my wine with that one.

dextetherdog's picture

This is too deep lol

giardap's picture

That's what she said!

Greg's picture

My wife instructed me to say, I don't agree and I think you're sexest.

giardap's picture

My wife instructed me to tell you to kindly; let your wife know she is correct.

hangs head in shame

RVWolf's picture

What's wrong ? Nothing. Just lot of noise for nothing concrete, like Women do.
Just let them trust they have the power if they're happy like that, while in fact we (the male)
all know that this is not true.
(Hopefully my wife can't read this ... ).

giardap's picture

Delete history cache and passwords lol
;-)'s picture

there is no understanding women, they want to be equal to men in all ways?

Why? wtf Why? we are simple creatures, simple to satisfy .

Woman should not try to be equal to men, they should be better than men, they should want more bro. Men are stronger than women, because we are less intelligent than women and I have no qualms about admitting that. Our strength makes up for our simplicity, women use there minds far more often than we do , because they have to, to make up for there lack of strength and size.

Its society and culture that makes women feel less than, if they ever figure out that they are the ones that should be running the earth not us, men are fucked. Think about it , women feel emotions , empathy and sympathy far more than men for everything, that is because women are supposed to be in positions of power over large amounts of people, A ruler needs deep emotions and the ability to feel empathy for there people, so they can make wise decisions in the best interest of there people. Men are blunt objects strong big and unemotional , the perfect qualities for the battlefield, not the throne.

giardap's picture

You see now, you have entered a favourite topic of mine. Leadership.

Although what you say is right, for one specific time or circumstance, it is absolutely wrong in another time or set of circumstance.

War as you say is a good example of this; Do you need someone empathetic, during a strike... to worry about the enemies lives or families or whatever, or do you want an authoratative leader, maybe somewhat autocratic, that gets the job done? LEts say your entire country's wellbeing depend on this choice....
That is a simple choice.

But then let's say; war time is over, the military made mistakes and now needs change.... well do we prefer the autocratic leader to invoke change, or do we need someone charismatic and transformational in their style?
Simple choice for what is effective.

But then look to business.... changing dynamics with new demands from Geny/z'ers (who want and feel entitled to be the CEO)... how do you lead them? Boss them? or maybe the opposite... (Laissez-Faire Leadership)... take note of their feelings desires, demands, give freedom (perhaps with some incentives)...
There is only 1 choice if you want to keep these people.

So no brother; we are not less intelligent than women, we are different. Our difference make us more effective (or intelligent at certain things if you like) at different times/tasks etc. Truth is, either mixed skills need to be developed or leaders treat their employment like a tour of duty and make way for ore effective leaders when time demands it. Take a look at HP's last 25 years to see what happens.

If you were to speak with an evolutionary biologist... he or she would argue you when you say women are supposed to be in positions of power. They would suggest that biologically women are designed to seek mates, have babies and be leaders of the family from a child rearing perspective. Then they would likely point to modern workplaces, where Senior management cucks who demand equality CANNOT find women who will stay in the workplace long enough to become directors, leaders etc. Because the majority drop out to start a family, some few return, but some more return later but to where they stopped or a lower position to re-enter the workforce.

Now if we step away from generalizations, and talk about the family, or caring professions.... now we have a place where women seem to excel.'s picture

War as you say is a good example of this; Do you need someone empathetic, during a strike... to worry about the enemies lives or families or whatever, or do you want an authoratative leader, maybe somewhat autocratic, that gets the job done? LEts say your entire country's wellbeing depend on this choice....
That is a simple choice.

That is true bro and unfortunately that is the world we live in, a world of war. We live in a world of war , because war is the inevitable outcome of a males mind, if all else fails we use our fist to finish a debate or solve a problem , in the end we are not looking for logic or common ground, in the end its all about pride and proving who has the biggest dick "no homo". Women are care givers yes, they are natural homemakers yes, the maternal instinct runs deep. Simply because women excel in this does not mean its there destiny, some women are destined to breed large families and care for them, others are destined for leadership .

If we are to survive as a species, we have to learn to set aside our differences and work together. I mean damn, the earth is still on a hair trigger between the United States and Russia, Russia has a lot to prove and pride to make up for, its only a matter of time before WW3 kicks off. I'm getting off subject my bad, what i'm saying is we need leadership that can let go of pride and grudges. We need truly altruistic leadership to lead us into something far better than just the inevitability of war. And I do not think a man is capable of that, if they were it would of happen by now.

RVWolf's picture

Yes but the salic law made the thing different. Having the ability to handle large amounts of people can be a good thing, if it doesn't block the ability to take quick decisions, on the edge of the knife.'s picture

if it doesn't block the ability to take quick decisions, on the edge of the knife.

True, but there is a difference between a quick decision and a decisive decision, making a decision quickly is not always good if its made in haste simply to seem decisive, being able to make a wise choice under pressure is more important than doing so quickly.

Rough's picture

Agreed, the whole feminism movement is dysfunctional and has transformed society into an overrated scale in that the ludicrous notion that a woman is somehow held on a pedestal based on there gender.... LOAD OF SHIT!!! look i have 3 daughters, but its my job as a father to not let the indoctrination of public education system teach my daughters that there victims and they have an obligation to victims. now the wife thats a different story,

giardap's picture

Absol fkn lutely

and they have an obligation to victims

Well said. That is a huge issue. And I see it, as an outsider looking in from afar, I see it pervades American life and aspects of some American culture.
I think it becomes hard to see who is actually responsible for pushing these things.

fusebox's picture

I have two girls ( freshman in college and a freshman in highschool ) and a wife as well. I've given up trying to figure them out. I've decided my best answer is here is my credit card and take your time.

Carlos Danger's picture

I can’t wait until Grrl sees this one:) popcorn ova here!! I’m about to watch a movie yahhhhbudddy!

In a promo × 1
giardap's picture

No way, Grrl knows what is what. She is very pragmatic!

giardap's picture


There may never be another Ace again if the women get their way!