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Surgery in two hours. Gonna beat this fuckin shit!!


What's up my brothers and sisters. Gonna have surgery in about two hours to try and get rid of as much of this booty cancer as possible. They said no food or drink for 12 hours but they didn't say I couldn't smoke a bowl or two while i took a walk Smile been a while on that so I'm pretty fuckin high. I wanna thank everyone who had helped me in the last two months. Nitti, pank, novi, ally, muta, noob, OB, oldhead, and anyone else I forgot. This will be fun trying to fight the anesthesia, I always lose for some reason....must be why Michael Jackson liked ot so much. I wonder if he ever used it on those boys haha ok I gotta go now. Hungry as Fuck but I cant eat...you guys better eat something good for me today Smile peace out from the dirty south gentlemen!