jimboe85's picture
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govt taking over internet


Hey guys, so the anti piracy act they passed last winter, I'm assuming that's step 1 in Big Brothers plan to put the squeeze on the internet and eventually having control over the whole shabang. What are your thoughts? You think if the govt regulated the internet like they plan to do (I hear they wanna regulate it and tax it and no more wild west on the web within 5 years we should expect it)...has anyone else heard about this?? I'm worried, it makes me wanna stock up on juice now....or u think the world is guna go to complete shit before thatt will happen?? Lol.for real though what is in store for eroids if big brother takes over WWW.

7gothic's picture

OK...here is the best survival-info website on the net.....and if this doesn't help, buy the video game Fallout 3.


By the way Jimbo----this is one manufacturing industry that is actually expected to flourish----survival equipment...lol

jimboe85's picture

Haha! Yea man ur right. I watched a show about this dude who is crazy rich selling survival gear, he has like the biggest website that heruns out his garage, quit his job...I guess there is a huge group of people who think the apocolyse is coming...I think its guna be more of a symbolic apoclyse....like the fall of our era...start of a new one

7gothic's picture

there is a huge group of people who think the apocolyse is coming

Yeah, the word "apocalypse" has religious/magic implications, and I'm not really a magic-type of guy. I'm thinking more along the lines of Yugoslavia, or the Wimer Republic where there was total chaos and anarchy. Of course the U.S. will be a whole different ballgame considering how well-armed we are. Should be a rather nice blood-bath with our thirst for violence.

fast48's picture

ACLU filed lawsuit againt many of the actions. One was the google page lawsuit. Its invasion of privacy. Im stocking up.

jimboe85's picture

Yea man, but the way you gotta look at it, is...we can only be accountable for ourselves and live YOUR life to the fullest and if a handful of rich powerful men wanna destroy our planet and go down in history as that...they gota own that. I'm guna do me and thank God for what I have been given, we all die one day!

boots2asses12's picture

F that shit ... F ..THAT

dand06's picture

They never passed Sopa... So is there something else?

7gothic's picture

Sopa was shot down because enough people bitched and the politicians got scared and backed away. But SOPA-like threats come around every year or two, and the money in Hollywood (and the money to be made in Hollywood) is going to ensure that these maggots come back again and again. Sooner or later, the net will fall under govt. control...if they can't pass a law under the Fair earning doctrine, they'll pass one in the name of homeland security. Either way, it's coming.

KMC's picture

If they can't pass it in big steps,.......they will pass it in a bunch of little steps over a few years,.....but it is coming, but so is the revolt.

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jimboe85's picture

Yea the patriot act pretty much opened the door for anything to go down. The defense act that's supposedly is being voted on this november is some scarey shit

7gothic's picture

There was a bank robbery in a little town last week only a few minutes from where I live---it's a small Mayberry-like town where NO crime ever goes down.
People are getting more desperate by the day. At some point, all these millitary people and soldiers that everyone thinks are heroes are going to be the ones kicking in doors, shooting innocent people and raping children----JUST like they do in the Middle East right now......"hoorah"!
Anyone who experinced Katrina (black AND white) knows first hand how the U.S. Millitary/private security will turn on it's own people in a heartbeat.
kent State, anyone?

jimboe85's picture

Yea, the defense act, to my understanding will put our soldiers on us soi, like working as police. In LIEU of police.? Am I correct? I mean...come on. I hope people realize we've been dooped. I think its a bigger monster than we think ...this trains been building momentum for decades no? Chipping away at our rights. But to comment on the site...I feel like you can't shut it down we aren't doing anything wrong at all...but then again when you have no rights it doesn't matter what you or I think is right or wrong. And that sucks bro

7gothic's picture

100% agreed.

KMC's picture

There is nothing wrong with a police state,.................IF YOUR THE POLICE !!

Owes a Review × 1
jimboe85's picture

Oh they didn't pass it? I thought they did cuz a lot of file sharing sites went down

jimboe85's picture

I dunno, maybe those anonymous videos justmade me paranoid...that shit was crazy.