zryder1723's picture
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+ 1 wanted to say Hello!


New to this site. I have been blasting and cruising for 4 years. I am not a "body builder" by any means. At 40 years old I hit my rock bottom in terms of my physical shape. I was a division one all american Pole vaulter and after a few injuries I had hung it up in my late 20s and slowly my condition faded. I joined a kick boxing/weight training gym and went 5 times a week for a year and dropped 25 lbs of fat and while i leaned out i did not have the muscle mass or definition i wanted. The coach of my gym and I became good friends and he got me going on my first cycle at 41 of just test cyp and winstrol. The progress was amazing and my cycles have gotten more advanced since. I added about 25 lbs of muscle over the last 4 years and I am pretty content with my size. My diet is on point, high protein, low carb, lots of dark green veggies and meat and eggs. rarely do i veer off the diet.

I am about to start a new cycle and was hoping for some constructive advice. My body reacts well to tren, very little side effects if any at all.

this cycle is not to bulk but to cut and get as lean as possible. I did a similar cycle last spring with good results. I want to avoid HGH both because of cost.

week 1-6 weekly every 3 days
600 tren e
400 primo
600 test Cyp
350 winstron dep

week 7-18 weekly every 3 days
600 tren e
300 tren ace
600 primo
700 winstrol water base dep
350 anavar

any suggestions on altering what I have planned are appreciated

Dare_devil's picture

I agree a very strange set of drugs for that level

Crispbread's picture

Welcome. How do you manage to stay on your diet? I seem to be full, but I constantly want some other food, either fatty or baked goods.

zryder1723's picture

I guess once I really saw results after a similar cycle the mind over matter with eating was not as hard. Meal prepping for the week is huge for me. I make everything for the upcoming week on Sunday and Id say I stick to it pretty well. I do have two cheat meals a week after doing legs and get myself a tripple decker burger from wendy's with fries. I eat it directly after my workout. I look forward to it all day and work my ass off on leg days because I know whats waiting for me after. besides that....all week it is chicken, pork or beef with green veggies for each meal. breakfast I have 6 egg whites with chop meat or chicken sausage. If i snack at night I cook chicken in my pressure cooked for the week , shredd it and mix in wing sauce. Add some blue cheese crumbles and Im in heaven. All other snack type stuff I just don't eat if Im cutting. I have my cravings at times but replacing the shit food with some extra protein keeps it at bay.

Makwa's picture

600mg of tren for 18 wks and another 300mg of ace for 12wks. Why?

zryder1723's picture

My body has very little side effects with Tren for whatever reason. My experience with it thus far has been great. I’ve learned to manage the slight mood swings as they start and I recognize it and cut them off as they start. With all that said. Why not? Great food partitioning, great cosmetic effect and the sweating for me is tolerable (mostly at night) I sleep pretty well thankfully but I do two workouts a day at least 3 x a week so that probably helps.

ThinSkin's picture

So you would really want to think about lowest effective dose I think. Even if you don’t get any noticeable sides Tren is liver toxic and can cause liver disease including cancer. So it’s not just the sides, but like with orals you want to limit time and dose to the minimum needed. I think typical advice is to use liver toxic compounds 6-8 weeks max at minimum effective dose.

You’ve got high doses of Tren and high doses of orals in your 18 week cycle. I would be very worried about liver health. Do you get your liver enzymes checked?

zryder1723's picture

Thanks for the input. Health is always a concern for sure. I have blood work done every 3 months.

Dare_devil's picture

In my humble opinion, a very large dose of trenabolone is for your tasks. I am sure that if instead of 600 do 300, the effect will be no worse, and yet tren would do cycles, and not as long as you plan. Maybe I'm wrong.

Makwa's picture

A lot of the guys I know competing don't even use tren the way you are and I don't think you are anywhere near their level.

Dare_devil's picture

I agree with your common sense approach to this. And tren is still the level of a professional athlete.

zryder1723's picture

Thank you for your thoughts. We all know most competitors are 100 percent honest about how much gear they are taking. But point taken. I’ve used this cycle before and had great results. I’m looking more for ratio advice…. Critique is great, but actual ratio suggestions would actually be helpful. I’m looking to cut with this cycle. What I have read recently was that a high Tren and lower test would work better than what I have listed here. Any thoughts or info that confirms or refutes this would be greatly appreciated

Makwa's picture

Cutting I will use low test so I don't need an AI. Tren outcompetes the receptors for test anyway. Cut your tren doses in half and I would only run tren last half of cycle.

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