7gothic's picture
  • 750



A lot of you guys use pretty good judgement when interacting here on eroids---You keep your personal info personal, you keep your steroids use to yourself, you keep ancillaries on hand just in case, and you keep a good lawyer on retainer when you're on cycle.
But lets examine the risk of online steroid purchases for a moment, and I'd like to do that by playing a little game. I would like to get a good picture of just how many people get busted for buying gear online, and I would like you to post a link to the news story so we can verify. I know not every bust is going to get a headline, but I think the arrests and stories of arrests for online steroid purchases is as overblown as steroids themselves.
I honestly don't think this entire forum can even show me ten busts for online steroid purchases....In fact, I don't think we can find 5 SUPPLIERS who have been busted for selling gear. WE HAVE NEARLY 800 SUPPLIERS LISTED HERE!! It doesn't appear the DEA is very good at what they do.....800 dealers----5-10 busts in 10 years????? MILLIONS of users-----and this is all they come up with??
Look it's good to be cautious, but don't go wacko worrying about your door getting kicked in. If they wanted you, you'd be gone. Come on here and make a threat against Barry-O and see how long before you've got suits all over your ass.
So show me the beef---where are all the busts for online steroid purchases?
Remember---I'm talking about online busts---not a guy who got busted at the YMCA or some baseball player. And I don't want speculation---I want LINKS and verification.
I bet you can't as a group, show me more than 10.
If you're a DEA agent reading this, you need to be fired...seriously. And in any other job, you would be fired for piss-poor job performance. If you can't enforce the laws you have, get rid of them,.......then get rid of yourselves.

TheFlash85's picture

all good bro, just seemed weird to bump a 2 year old post, especially when theres cops trolling the forum atm. huge blitzes going on!

tk1070's picture

Oh great... Huge blitzes, like what? That really helps the paranoid factor, I truly hate it. I probably should just be careful and not worry about it. I only have a few orders a year and that's it, small potatoes indeed.

twitch45's picture

How to draw DEA attention 101 lol!

Genetix's picture

On one hand I would say don't slap a hornets nest just to see if they are sleeping. Then on the other hand I would say yes majority of orders do land safely because there is not enough to stop every $200-400 dollar order to the average joes po box. Most controlled deliveries dont make the channel 10 news or the morning herold. Its like a private party the more you tell the less private.

outcast's picture
killintime's picture

i kinda need to be vague about this but around where i live,the feds had been watching a gym owner who was getting a good amount of shit oversea's.this all happened last summer btw.the feds busted him,and come to find out some of his best customers where on the drug task force,and state police.so he worked with the feds to set them up.what happened to them when they got busted you ask...demotion thats it!the gym owner,prison. i dont know how to post a link but if you pm me i will tell you the city and you can google it.for my own safety,this will have to be a person with some real karma.im sorry but if you have +1 im not telling you.just wanna be safe

7gothic's picture

If no pro athletes were every caught using roids again, I think the govt would prolly get rid of the law all together,

VERY good point----Congress would have never voted to schedule them as Class A drugs if it weren't for the media frenzy over pro athletes using them.
Fucking baseball players need their asses kicked....lol

7gothic's picture

A customs seizure of a few bottles of test will result in a letter in your mailbox telling you how dangerous ordering medications online can be--and if you do it again we will arrest you.
But getting popped with a kilo of powder would almost certainly result in much more intrusive communication-----face-to-face and up close.
PM me for more on this, as powder discussion in the open forums is discouraged.

swolltroll's picture



7gothic's picture

Agreed....they don't mind you adding size to your arms....as long as you don't add size to your bank account.
Gee.....now if we can just get them to quit going after users like Bonds, Clemons, Armstrong, Jones, Landis, Johnson, McGwire, Palmero, etc....etc...

7gothic's picture

LOL.....his stupid book.

semperfi7272's picture

So it looks like there isn't any real reason to be worried, but I made 3 orders last month and they're all doing weird things which has me kind of worried. It started with a seizure letter I got about 2 weeks ago for the 1st,then my 2nd package has been at a NY sort facility( which I think is customs) for 12 days and thats over twice as long as any other package I tracked has been there, and now my 3rd says arrival at unit today but I didn't get anything. All 3 orders were around 100$ so it's not like I look like a dealer or anything. To make it worse there's a parking lot across the street from me with cars in it 24/7 which isn't good for paranoia.

-Well package 3 literally just showed up at the door, but I had to sign for it, so if my door doesn't get kicked soon I'll be feeling much better.

J.Mc.'s picture

Good luck homie! If you can gain internet access from pound town, let us know what happened ;)

jimmie's picture

A guy on local radio station here a few years made a joke about the president. I can't remember how threatening it was, but within hours the secret service were on top of him. No exaggeration. Gary Johnson for president! He wants to end the war on drugs. Too bad no one has ever heard of him. whoops! politics!...

7gothic's picture

"Make a threat against Barry O" Seriously you actually think anyone is going to care what you post on a forum ?

Uuuhhhh excuse me, but you make threats against the president on ANY forum, and they WILL find you. I don't know what planet you're living on, but it's not earth.

7gothic's picture

LOL...very funny. I suppose I'm going to have to hear about that little stunt for the next 5 years....lol

washboard_abs's picture

@7gothic, according to these bozo's, they've "consulted" or have represented "hundreds" clients who've been arrested for receiving internet orders. Here's their website: http://www.cmgesq.com/ ; and here's their blog: http://www.steroidlaw.com/arrested.php . Lawyers tend to exaggerate, however, so "hundreds" could mean just a handful. I'll call them in the morning to get some real stats. Hopefully they'll be truthful without trying to get me to come into the office. Anyway, here's the quote from their blog website:

"However, the fastest-growing way of getting busted for personal steroid use is by ordering them over the Internet to receive them in the mail. I have been consulted or retained on hundreds of cases of this type. Those who order mail-order steroids run the risk that the delivery can be intercepted by U.S. Customs or postal authorities, precipitating an investigation and potentially an arrest. Many otherwise law-abiding mature adults have been arrested based on their receipt of anabolics through the mail. Many others were contacted by government agents who confiscated the steroid delivery but did not make an arrest. There is little uniformity in the way these cases are handled across the country, although overall mail volume seems to be a factor. U.S. Customs agents in metropolitan New York, for example, might handle a personal use amount very differently than Customs agents in rural Alabama."

7gothic's picture

YEAH!!! This is the guy who was featured in Bigger Faster Stronger, and has carved a niche in the legal field defending steroid users who get busted.
I guess the part I have trouble with is imagining some guy who gets charged with possession of steroids and lives in California, and calls this guy, who is located across the country.....I mean, would you hire a lawyer 5 states away to defend you for something you will most likely get probation over?
Surely all those "hundreds" of clients aren't from his hometown....LOL.
He's a liar......I mean lawyer...lol

washboard_abs's picture

I despise these guys as a group. I deal with them first hand all the time. As a group, they're arrogant, pushy, dishonest, and greedy. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but as a general matter, I'm correct in my description. When he says he's consulted OR represented "hundreds," he's probably talking about the hundreds of telephone inquiries over the years. Inquiries like the one I'm going to make tomorrow when I call from a blocked caller-ID phone ;). How many of these inquiries have materialized into a real life case standing in front of a judge? Probably a handful to a dozen.

7gothic's picture

As a group, they're arrogant, pushy, dishonest, and greedy

My sister's a nurse, and that's exactly what she says about doctors.
Another cool post washboard.

washboard_abs's picture

What really pisses me off is that their testosterone levels are probably only 600 ng on average! Low T dudes shouldn't be allowed to act like that LOL!!

7gothic's picture

LOL....that's where the Beemer comes in to compensate.

washboard_abs's picture

It's a federal practice. Pass the bar in one state, and you'll be able to practice DEA issues in any federal court in any state. The same goes for other federal practices such as bankruptcy and immigration. Any bozo lawyer in any state can go to any other state and practice in those areas. It takes nothing but a short application to get admitted to a federal court in one state if you're a bar member in one of the other 49 states.

washboard_abs's picture

I agree.

What interesting is his description of DEA agents taking people in for questioning and then releasing them... probably with the last words of "I'll be calling ya sometime." I can imagine that happening. Damn, that must be scary for the guy being questioned. If he's a professional guy with a serious job, he wouldn't sleep well for a year.

7gothic's picture

Well in my town on the local level, they don't even put coke dealers in the county jail----they all get probation----which they make you PAY for, and drug treatment...which they make you pay for....and a fine, which they make you pay for.

7gothic's picture

Ahhh I see.

washboard_abs's picture

sorry, meant to reply to you but somehow ended up replying to gothic. pls see above.

7gothic's picture

That would be my guess, but legal muscle may have affiliates in several states----Many law firms have franchised themselves like fast food joints.
That's the only way I can see them being able to represent so many people.....But if I hire "Legal Muscle", I want the actual "Legal Muscle GUY" from the movie...LOL

washboard_abs's picture

nope, pass the bar in one state and you can do bankrupty, immigration, securities law, customs law, and federal drug law in any state. I know because... well... I don't want to say too much ;)

7gothic's picture

Thank you counselor...lol

Nitti's picture

Lol. That's awesome! I need to save that number.

Nitti's picture

Well, I can't find any. I have a few cops busted for selling in Philly most recently. A big bust here, one there, but I can't find what you asked for. No "possession" charges! I'm still looking. Nice post btw! I knew you'd come up with something!