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+ 12 **Updated:** Gynecomastia you've heard of it but what does it look like. All you need to know about GYNO


I was lead to this by a guy who is no longer here but knew his shit. He has used this countless times to help others reverse gyno and it works so now I'm showing it to you. Some have seen it others have not. Read on.

Hope this answers all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e’s. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will stop progesterone related problems as well since it inhibits all estrogen anyways). Progesterone gyno will be enlargement of your nipple area, the actual areola, not a lump under it.

How do I know if I have gyno?
If you have developed gyno you will have a lump behind your nipple. It will be fairly hard, and it will be tender to touch.
Continue reading here: and here:

Leave a comment on your experience do you agree or disagree. If you have something that works post it up. If you like this post let me know if not you know what to do.

BlindAlligators's picture

Nothing like prolactin build up where there's painful pressure on the gland shooting out grey milk...

weird experience...

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MedDx's picture


sic26's picture

Looking at this again has me checking my tits lol

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sic26's picture

Hey where u guys come from lol

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PIN_CUSHION's picture

Congrats on the ADV Mega, much deserved.

redone's picture

Is it basically prolactin and estrogen levels in the blood that become out of whack?
If so, what ranges do you want to stay within?

John3757's picture

Gynecomastia Pills - (Censored) ive been taking this product for about a year and not only have i got a more masculine chest, but also alot of excessive body fat.

WINNING's picture

Gyno or not, that first fucker is jacked!

sic26's picture

Dead serious I was thinking that lol

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sic26's picture

Damn this nipples are crazy mine are a little puffy from Latin I can tell no pain no lumps just puffy got a hold of it with prami but love thread

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Oldsoreguy's picture

Jeez, between the dude with the gh gut and the fuzzy moobs i'm pretty grossed out..

skywalker's picture

there is no known cure the only way to remove it is surgery. People often make a mistake when talking about gyno, theres a difference between fat tissue on the chest and actually having glandular tissue, I've heard of guys saying that ai's reduce the size, I've yet to see it with my own eyes, maybe it does shrink it slightly, once the glandular tissue has formed its there for good, if you can feel your nipples getting sensitive on cycle start the ai ASAP! You may reduce the estrogen level in time before your body starts growing tits

Pale's picture

As a noob, my question is if it did get to that point how hard is it to get rid of? Getting ready for my first cycle and have the Aromsin, Nova and Clomid but I am still scared/curious lol

Pale's picture

Thanks Withdrawl. Definitely taking in all the knowledge I can here.

Cheatnnature's picture


joebig517's picture

Shit no i dont want this lol.
Seriouly though thankfully ive never had issues on cycle before in regards to eastro sides and the dreaded gyno (always had my bases covered) fingers crossed i never will have issues but it makes sence to have all your cycle and pct needs on hand this is testiment i.e... Nolva, clomid,AIs.. a bit of common sence basically.
And if you already have slight gyno naturally AAS may not be for you.

MegaT883's picture

Give the man a cigar he get's it. Joebig the whole reason for this post is if you short cut or screw up you can end up looking like these dudes and it is not pretty. As someone commented it happens a lot more often then you know. Poor planning and poor knowledge will get you every time.

joebig517's picture

True bro research research more research everyone learns it can be the easy way or the hard way....go find a good source via reviews and such and you should most likely get it rite... thanks for the cigar bro ;)

MegaT883's picture

h23ar you have a point there and this is TRUE.

joebig517's picture

Once again common sence and planning.... Source reviews will yeild legit sources and products this will mean you get the real deal 99% of the time thats what its all about on Eroids reseach goes a long way and its all there on your screen to see.
Unfortunate though for the bro who has the rite idea but ends up with bunk i give him my sympathy.

spartacus91's picture

I want to cry when i see this lol.The thing that has me on edge is i have allways had a fukt up right nipple its a little puffy am not sure if its mild gyno or just that my nipples are odd in shape and size.what do use lot think ? Check my profile pics its the right nipple/pec had it since..well as far as i can remember before first cycle any ideas ?

skywalker's picture

Dude you have nothing to worry about I can't even notice anything, your body fat is low in that picture and if there was a lump there you would see it clearly

spartacus91's picture

haha yea a think am on a bad trip them pics where a few month back when i was cut and now my bf is 12ish so am holding more fat on my chest and the right nipple looks a little puffy now but a think if i drop back to 6-7 bf all should be fine.them pics don,t realy do it justice lol a think its the slacking off on my diet quite bad all should be in check for next month and a lot of paranoid over thinking won,t be helping..

Braxbrah's picture

Please god never let this happen to me.


RickRock1086's picture

Being there done that. Sucks ass, but Letro took care of it. Some of this guys have nice tities or may be im just been creepy. However this problem is more often than u would think...

MegaT883's picture

It's the main reason we use an AI. Your right it happens far more than we know.