shirlsguy's picture
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Honesty About Stats


Why is it so hard to even be honest to oneself about his/her statistics? I taped my gut today at the belly button and it is actually under 40" and the waste has gone down to 38". Well, considering I introduced myself with a (40") waste line about 10-weeks ago, that does not give much to be happy about. This time, I'm resting my stomach and after a banana and a bowl of meusli.

The truth is, my gut was pressing excess of 46" and my waste was bursting 42" and that was sucking in.... if one can even do that with a total of 14" of excess fat circling the mid line..

Now, with that in mind, I am happy as hell! Six inches off of the belly and four off the waste.

Why would I lie like that? Because I wanted to do AAS and no one advised me to do so with such a high BF content... not to mention foolish pride.

The strength returning from AAS is amazing, and I love it. But, it comes with the added risks, no matter what numbers I put on paper. The advice on this forum is fantastic, but it will only be as good as the information provided... it is just like computer programming - garbage in/garbage out.

So, what are your stats? What is your diet? What are your habits? Do you have pre-existing injuries? If you can't be honest about all that, then probably the program won't work so well. You may be one of the lucky people who just seem to respond well to everything, but there is always that one sad case.... the one where everyone says, "It's a damned shame."

I don't ever want to be that person.

crayon's picture

Yeah im in the process of loosing some bf too bfor i do AAS, iv named this month mental march bcuz im trying to loose bf like crazy lol. Wanna loose a stone and alot of bf around thighs since this is were ill be pinning