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The amount of steroids whether they have bulking or cutting properties won't initially help you with your goal of losing or gaining weight. This has been written in stone and people still don't get it.

IF YOU WANT TO BULK OR CUT, IT'S IN YOUR -------> D I E T <---------

No one wants to hear the simple truth & everyone wants results tomorrow. That's not how it works. If you want to look your best, feel your best, and simply perform your best it all starts in what food you are putting in your body. ON AND OFF STEROIDS. There is no steroid or fat burner that's going to just shred healthy weight off. I see guys buying clenbuterol up the ass and taking it for looks not even for comp. Why? Do you wanna fuck up your heart just because your stubborn ass couldn't eat right? It really is the simple truth. If you want to gain 30 pounds or you want to lose 30 pounds, stop eating McDonalds & Taco Bell for christ sake. Nutrient packed, solid protein and complex carbohydrates with adequate amount of water intake will get you where you want to be. Doesn't matter if you want to gain or lose weight, calorie deficit to lose and calorie surplus to gain. Figure out how many calories you use a day doing whatever the fuck you do and put your numbers above or below that to meet your goal.

Stop making shit complicated and start eating right.

max's picture

I found working with a dietitian a while back helped me find out alot about what foods i need and how they affect me, finding maintenance etc, and i now find it fairly easy to either slowly pack on weight or cut down. But i see alot of guys at my gym struggle with there diets, I have found slow and small adjustments are key for me and of course being as strict as possible. Heres a link, I found it pretty funny.

TheRobDawg's picture

I didn't expect many replies haha 99% of you eat complete garbage ON and OFF cycle. This proves it. In fact that's why tons of you use steroids in the first place you can't even hit goals naturally if you tried partly because you're a mcdonalds eating unhealthy fatass. You want to blame genetics and feel sorry for yourself while you eat a big mac wondering what's the problem.

TheRobDawg's picture