DarkSoul26's picture
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Questions regarding primo cycle & PCT



First thing first:

Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 5ft 6
Weight: 176 pounds
Body fat % = around 14%
Training experience: many years now
Cycle experience: This would be my second cyle, first one was Test E @10 weeks.

I am looking to preserve and harden my muscles while dropping body fat to 8-10%. I am not wanting to use orals/liver toxic compounds for more than just kick starting the cycle. There should be no AI required for it until I start using the HCG. I have really just added the Test to maintain libido.

This is what I was planning to do:

Week 1: Anavar 50mg ED
Week 2: Anavar 30mg ED
Week 3: Anavar 10mg ED
Weeks 1-12: Primo E 600mg/week
Weeks 1-12: Test E 100mg/week
Weeks 11-14: HCG 1000iu/week (4 weeks prior to PCT)
Weeks 11-14: Arimidex 0.25mg EOD (4 weeks prior to PCT)

PCT (18 days after last pin)

Clomid: 50/50/25/25
Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20

Here's a graph of the cycle, although I had to reduce the number of weeks on the graph to see how would it look at the end.


Now, this is only my second cycle. I am trying not to use anything above 700mg/week of total compounds. Proper diet will be in check.

Do you think it is worth stretching the cycle to perhaps 14-16 weeks? In which case, What would be HCG and PCT dosage and duration? Would recovery be harder than if it was just 12 weeks?

Makwa's picture

You are killing me here. 3 different compounds to drop 4% BF. I wouldn't be running a cycle to do that. Dropping fat is so much easier than building muscle. I wouldn't be "wasting" a cycle just to drop a little bit of fat. It is not like you are going from 10% down to 6% where some anabolics would be warranted to spare lean mass due to the more extreme dieting you would have to do to get down to that level. If you can't hit your goal without running a cycle we need to have a talk.

DarkSoul26's picture


ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

AAS is not what you need to accomplish your goals. Having your diet dialed down is the biggest part of determining your weight loss.

What was your starting weight before running your first cycle? I would strongly recommend not using ASS for two years. During this time, you should eat, lift, and sleep like a machine. Having a much more solid natural base before you being using AAS will give you astronomically better results, than starting too early.

Do you know what your natural test levels are?

When did you complete your first cycle?

How many MG did you run?

What kind of PCT did you run?

What's your diet like?

What's your lifting/cardio routine like?

DarkSoul26's picture

Dude I am only 5ft 6, you expect me to be 180 pounds at 10% body fat natural, no way.

Was Test E 500mg @ 10 weeks. PCT similar to the one posted.

My diet and training is in check.

IrishMack's picture

LMFAO I am your height and weigh 200 pounds, I am currently 16% BF because idgaf and I powerlift. the leanest LBM for 5' 6" is 145 pounds with 8% BF so do the math. No excuses.

Your diet and training is not in check, if it was you would drop the BF without aas and fast.

DarkSoul26's picture

Look, I have been this weight in the past, and I find 180 pounds seem to be the barrier for me. The heaviest I have ever been is 186 pounds @ god knows what bf when I was naturally. I did not find the extra 6 pounds from 180 to 186 to be worth it, my strength did not increase anymore, and neither the number of reps.

Then I went down in weight naturally in a long journey. I started to cut my diet slowly, losing 30 pounds in a period of 6 months. I had an online personal trainer at the time, he configured my diet and I gave him pictures and weight readings weekly. I had to contemplate my strength go away, being tired as fuck, even my workmates were saying that if I was ill or something. I got to 150 pounds at around 11%. The 10% bf is another barrier that I cannot break without dying of starvation in the process.

Now, after training and going up naturally again for a while I was siting at at 165 @14%. I decided to use Test E 500mg/week for 10 weeks and got to 180 pounds @14%. 15 solid pounds in 10 weeks. And I absolutely loved it. I was feeling invincible, I gained so much vascularity and strenght.

Now, I refuse to attempt to go below 10% again in a long, extenuating journey to see my strenght and my gains gone. My goal here is not to be 250 pounds @6%, I like the level of development that I have now, but I want to remove the excess fat while hardening and getting and overall dry appearance.

I appreciate all your comments not to "waste" a cycle for what I want to achieve, but I will not be cutting below 10% without AAS.

My question here is regarding the chemistry.

Do you see any problems with the chemical side of the cycle?

Would you change the HCG and dosage and duration?


IrishMack's picture

So exactly what are you trying to accomplish then? you need size to gain strength i.e bigger muscles bigger power. Cycles are worthless for anything you are trying to accomplish if its just to lose weight or remain at the same level. It's a complete waste. You will ALWAYS lose strength when you lose size. If you are happy at the weight and size you are then don't bother cycling because a good diet and moderate training regimen will provide the EXACT SAME THING.