DomeHead556's picture
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How long to discontinue deca use to use a 5ar inhibitor?


How long would deca and npp use have to be discontinued if i want to use dutasteride without the nandrolone and 5ar causing issues with hairloss. Im done with steroids and theyre not for me, im not looking to be a big guy or a mass monster i just wanted to be lean and aesthetic and keeping my hair is worth it to me more than being 210lbs shredded for a short period of time.

I appreciate all and any answers that come my way and i am gratefull for this community, thank you.

PGA's picture

NPP is one of my favorite compounds. I've used it while I've been on Finasteride and did not notice any increase in hairloss.

DomeHead556's picture

thank you for all the responses but sadly I havent found my answer, people say that nandrolone and or its metabolites are active up to 6 months. Im wondering if there are gonna be complications using 5ar inhibitor while the metabolites are still active. Nandrolone is active up to 14-16 days. would It be safe to say about 1 month??

press1's picture

Nope - You are Doooomed .....

You will be FULLY BALD within 2 months from now. Enjoy the hair wax while you can

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DomeHead556's picture


anyways thanks for the response i think ill just go trial and error route

press1's picture

If you are loosing hair whilst being on gear it means you are already going bald anyway, gear just speeds up the process a little. So you'd rather be able to style your hair in the mirror and be skinny over being swole and intimidating?! lol

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Big K0's picture

BUHauhahahahahahhaahha LMAO

Goose24's picture


Serrajitsu0876's picture

Dude don’t bother with it. The side effects are fucking horrible. I was on prescribed finasteride for over 4 years. Yes it works to some degree but if you already have a receding hairline it won’t do much. It just made my head look fuller. I was only 27 when I started taking it and I wish I never did. Loss of sex drive and gyno are some of the sides.

DbolAndAll's picture
