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Summer Cycle EQ/Test


200 lbs
Third cycle: first cycle was 250mg e5d, second cycle was 500mg weekly + Anavar ed last 6 weeks
Pins are taken every monday and thursday, 250mg test and eq.
Pregnyl will be taken every monday and thursday aswell, 500UI each time.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateEQPregnylArimidexAromasinNolvadexClomid
3500mg500mg0.25mg e3d
4500mg500mg0.25mg e3d
5500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
6500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
7500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
8500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
9500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
10500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
11500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
12500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
13500mg500mg500IU0.25mg e3d
14500mg500mg0.25mg e3d
15500mg0.25mg e3d
16500mg0.25mg e3d
170.25mg e3d
180.25mg e3d
1912.5mg ed40mg ed100mg ed
2012.5mg ed40mg ed100mg ed
2112.5mg ed20mg ed50mg ed
2212.5mg ed20mg ed50mg ed
cpbig's picture

Im currently in week 9 of 16. Still havent noticed any gains. Only noticable effect is increased libido. Ball shrinkage and slight bloat.
My friend is doing the same test at 750/ week and ia gaining well.
What is wrong? My diet is spot on and im training 6 days a week.
Friend does not have proper diet either..

ziabungle's picture

Still no gains? Im curious, how much protein, carbs and fat are you consuming? I only ask because you should notice some gains by now.

ShreddedCheddar's picture

On that pct if you run Aro in it you need to change that dosage up.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 20/20/10/10
Aro 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.2

Why not run Aro as the AI all the way through? That way you won't have to worry about switching things up. Also may save you some money. Plus Adex can set you up for an estro rebound.

mobman702's picture

I just started my Test 400 and EQ 300 cycle May 1st. But I am running it at 800mg/wk of Test and 750mg/wk of the EQ and I am really starting to feel it coming along now after 3 weeks on..

Doss's picture

All you need is 500iu a week, and you prolly don't need it until week 6ish.

Aromasin has a half life of 27hrs, so u take it ED.

Eq: I'd go a lil higher if you can afford it.

cpbig's picture

Whats your take on the pin days?
Monday and thursday?
will the short period between pins affect the use of EQ?
At the moment i cant go higher than 500, seeing as it is my first time using it and that i only have enough for the 14 weeks.

OmNom's picture


cpbig's picture

My biggest queries would be the the dose of Pregnyl, is it too much or is 500UI enough.
Is the Eq too low to be noticed?
is aromasin taken ed or e3d like adex?