vodkalol's picture
  • 7

-5 My upcomming 5th cycle(low toxicity)


Hey - please dont flame me bcause i'am "only" a man on 21 years.
I love roids, they gave me confidence through my looks and now i'am the person i always wanted with girlfriend and so on. So i cant see why its so wrong. I'am no kid for christ Smile

I'am 21 years old
height: 178 centimers
weight: 72 kilos
bf: 9-10%&
Been training for 6 years
It will be my 5th cycle
prior cycles:

2 week dianabol 50-80 mg ed

3 week test p 100mg eod/oxy 50 mg ed

3 week test p 50mg e3d(maintaince dose)/tren hex 150 mg e3d

6 week test e 250mg e5d/tren e 200 mg e4d + clen (cut)

Total 14 weeks on and 12 weeks off - so my 4 cycles is somehow equal to a 12 week test/deca/dbol kick cycle.

This time its gonna be a mass cycle, but gonna try a low toxic one after doctor freaked me out with my liver values XD and i dont wanna be afraid for my lipid profile by doing injections + orals.

And i wanna try skip tren this time because it made it impossible to cum during sex.Just got a girlfriend, so dont want that to happen - havent told her i do roids yet.

Test is one of the strongest steroids we got, and one of the least toxic, maybe only beaten by nandrolone. But Nandrolone should have same effect like tren on my orgasems, so gonna skip nandrolone aswell this time.

Gonna be eating 300 grams of protein a day at least, eating about 5000 cals a day, high protein/medium carb intake/ lots of healthy fats - untillthis have been giving me muscle & no fat gain (more like fat loss) Smile

I get gyno pritty easy: just 200mg test p eod gives gyo, 250 mg test e e5d also gives gyno. ( says test e: e5d) I know the old way is e4d pins on e ester.

I get no acne or other serious prolactin sides from the androgen activiy.

Feel free to give suggestions to improvements! And i have had perfect recovery after my 6 week test e/tren e without clomid as pct btw.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAnastroleHCG NolvaClomid
11500 mg 1 mg a day
2700 mg 1 mg a day
3700 mg 1 mg a day
4700 mg 1 mg a day200 IU ed
5700 mg 1 mg a day
6500 mg 1 mg a day
71 mg a day200 IU ed
1040 mg ed
1120 mg ed
1220 mg ed
jimmie's picture

You have not done 4 cycles. You haven't done any cycles. You have just taken drugs. Read all the stickies here and grow naturally for a couple years before touching any aas. Your 1000000 years of research must have been done in some fucked up place. Talk to the guys around here, get your diet and training in check. You think it is, I realize that. But it's not.

You know what??..... something tells me you're not going to listen to anyone here. What the hell makes you think that's not toxic? Fuck it dude, take everything all at once. Shoot a gram on tren ED. You come here for advice and don't take it. GFY

levelup's picture

attention your time so you dont get pissed off...this dude isnt going to take anyones advice. let him kill his estro from the 1mg from day one and do a half ass recovery from his lacking pct from the cycle he wont get any gains from bc the test e wont have kicked yet

morph's picture

I know exactly what you mean bro.

morph's picture

the major point everyone's trying to get across to you is, 1 you're to young, 2 you don't need to run a cycle just tune in your diet and learn how to train properly, 3 you've yet to run a proper test only cycle. That's all I gotta say about this, my advice is to not run this.

vodkalol's picture

Okey, but what is wrong with my training?
And what is wrong with my diet?
You want me to pop clomid in my pct?


morph's picture

you say you're an ectomorph. start over and work from the ground up doing bulking exorcises (squats, deads, cleans, over head press, weighted dips etc.) work one body part at a time and leave, you'll put fat on but, that's nothing that can't get fixed later. next you need to consume 4500-5000 calories a day, but consuming them isn't enough you need to obsorbe them, eating hourly should help you a great deal, also if you do cardio, stop. These are the basics, don't even think about running a cycle until you know how your body works. (proper test E cycle 500mg wks 1-12 monday thursday inject, aromasin when estro shows 12.5mged, then run a pct 16days after last test shot, run aromasin all the way through your cycle and into your pct, pct should be clomid 100/100/50/50, nolva 40/40/20/20)

vodkalol's picture

Thanks! Sounds right.

Can you tell me if you feel any difference from using clomid or not? My cycles have been so short untill now that clomid wasent nessesary(and my dealer dident sell it)

morph's picture

clomid helps, even though it is weaker than Nolva at blocking, it is believed to be quicker at bringing HPTA back to balance. Both are commonly used during PCT, it binds to different receptors than Nolva.

lp_chops's picture

Bro take a step off your pedestal and listen to these guys. 4 past cycles and you are still cant put a decent cycle and pct together and you are still only 160lbs and you're 21 and, and, and.... You see what I'm getting at? Not trying to bust your balls, I'm trying to salvage the rest of your life. You need to get your training and eating in order and research a whole hell of a lot more. That's it, rant over

vodkalol's picture

Okey, then please tell me bra, what is wrong with my diet? 400 ish grams of protein must be enough,medium carb intake should be enough, i dont wanna gain too much fat and carbs have like 4-8 times easier to convert to fat so why go overboard here? Healthy fats, lots of Remoulade/mayonnaise to all meals, and oliven oil at cookings.

mjunkie's picture

whats wrong is that if u were actually eating the amount u say you do would'nt be 150lbs ESPECIALLY after 4 fucking cycles, count your calories one day and you'll see there's something missing

vodkalol's picture

I count my calories everyday bra, i have gained about 10 lbs lean muscle mass on 4 cycles with a total duration on 14 weeks, the standard must be a 12 week test/deca with 6 weeks recovery ontop of that, plus a insane pct. Because they bulk they gain like 50% 50% fat n muscle.Gaining a total of 20 lbs on 12 weeks, good luck on pct + cut for that bra.

TED's picture

another thing you have completely wrong....time on + PCT= time off. so if you did a twelve week cycle with 4 weeks pct then you take 16 weeks off til your next cycle

RickRock1086's picture

There is no way he will be so small eating that many proteins/calories like he swear he does.

vodkalol's picture

Hmm :/

lp_chops's picture

Here this is a good read on nutrition
It's just impossible to believe if you are sticking to a 5k whole food diet that you can't gain weight, unless you are running fucking marathons or something.

vodkalol's picture

On steroids and my 5k diet, i gain about 500 grams of muscle a week, remb i havent gained any fat during my cycls yet and thats the plan aswell. many people go bulk mode and gain 500 grams of fat and muscle a week, then ofc it looks wrong when i only gain raw muscle mass, and maybe even loses a bit of fat at same time due to not going overboard on carbs.

I never do cardio hehe.

Thanks for the link!

RickRock1086's picture

No offense bro but i think your problem is not the "cycles" is your diet, you need on cycle at least 2-3 grams of protein per pound of body weight. I'm str8 Ectomorph (Hard gainer) and my diet(High protein/Calories) is keeping me at 180 Lb 5'10, after being only 135 after i graduated highschool. Any questions feel free to ask bro hopefully we can guide you to a better cycle and a good diet.

vodkalol's picture

I have always been the Endomorph type of guy, having a easy time storing fat.But my skeletal frame is rather small/light. On cycle i get around 450 grams of protein a day with help from 2-3 50 grams of protein shakes a day and 200+ grams of chicken brest a meal 40-50 grams of protein. But my diet havent been as perfect before i began cycling 6 months ago. But thats also because i gained close to nothing in the gym, then you lose dedikation. got a African friend, he is a natural genetic freak he eats shit, and knows shit and gains year round what many would on roids on/off on a year :S srs his diet is a disaster..

tennessee21's picture

"But my diet havent been as perfect before i began cycling 6 months ago. "
I hope to god you aren't saying your first cycle was 6 months ago! Especially being as you are saying you have done 5!

vodkalol's picture

Done 4 cycels so far, this is my upcomming one test only high dose. Total on/off out of 6 months: 14 weeks on/12 off. thats 1 cycle for the deca lovers - whats the fuss?

RickRock1086's picture

I feel a sense of urgency and that's just gonna end up in total failure. This guy will end up on TRT soon if he keeps cycling this way. I'm out of here.

tennessee21's picture

Agreed! I think his mind is already made up tho, sadly!

RickRock1086's picture

Forget the shakes, get whole food. If you work outside home and it's hard for you to get a hold of food, carry a cooler with you with all your meals, and roll that mofo everywhere you go, i guarantee you will grow quality muscle

RickRock1086's picture

By the way your cycle log above needs to be fixed big time, is not good it all & hope you DO NOT run it

biggervin916's picture

do you get a lot of chicks??

vodkalol's picture

I get more than i need yes, why you ask bra?

biggervin916's picture

cause your about to get more