posted Fri, 04/17/2020 - 00:08
-1 Help
I’m 185 now bench 275 clean n max is 305. Main goal in bench have my six pack n do on but I want to grow. My cycles I’ve done have been. Test cyp test e test pro tren tur and winny. Diet is 3000 caps a day mainly salmon oats peanut butter steak cod. I need help making this cycle please
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Something is massively off here - to still be your height & weight, and lifting those numbers after running some of the compounds you have doesn't stack up. It's either food consumption or training style...
Ok.. it looks like you have a set of abs bro, but gaining weight consists of 1). Eat clean and a lot, 2). Train and get rest 3). Adding in your AAS will help if the other two are in check.
If you want to grow, you might lose a little in your abs. There is no real way to gain a lot of weight and not put anything on your abs.
How about telling us what AAS you have or want to use, and maybe we can help. We are not just going to tell you what to take.
AnonYou've been here 8 years, I just read almost all of your old forum posts...
Do some of your own research, you ask the stupidest questions ever.
For fucks sake hit something besides bench and bi's. How have you gone this long and still can't form a proper cycle/pct?
+1... so I did not have to type the same info.
Just went through his old forums:
Need help
Need injections
Need diet
Need training tips
Need more injections
Need more help
Need a new fucking hobby
This guy is a troll. 8 years here and he’s gained 5 pounds.
Must suck to be stuck pinning with nothing to show for it at 20 8 years stats say 26, first pic looks like 20.
Laughing my head off at your comment !
I’m sorry bro I’m always upfront. If you look at the few pics I have I got stuff from the old heads. I took down the pic I was just going fast in my shit sorry again
Molinin302I'm going to give you very constructive friendly advice. Read the forum rules and take down this picture which shows your face. I don't know you, not sure yet if I want to, but being on here and asking what you are, and stating what you have, I'm sure there's some people that would like to have a chat with you. C'mon man...