Aesthetic_Dream's picture
  • 28

+ 2 Great to be back -12wk Sustanon 350 @525mg/wk *tren ace added


Been a rough past 3 years....looking to get back what I lost while I was down in a rut.....well most of it anyhow. ...after 2nd cycle was at 205lb....lean
This is my 4th cycle within 5yrs, 1st being a 10wk test(pharma) only at 500mg/wk with 4wk PCT. Great gains and great start into the world of aas with the help of you guys here at eroids. 2nd cycle was a Sust(pharma also) along side some GP EQ for 16wks I believe....been a while so I can't be certain on specifics but I think it was dosed @400mg/600mg with some Proviron during cycle and ended with some Winny to polish up. Outstanding results, but that was when my wife and I started to have our struggles in life and needless to say a few months later our relationship came to an end and so did everything in my life at the time....lost my family....lost my job in the oilfield due to the recession and I ended up becoming an alcoholic.
Needless to say I've bounced back this last year....been sober for over a year besides smoking a little weed every now and then lol..ran a small 8wk GP Sust cycle about 18months ago just to kinda get back in the groove....and now here I am...currently on week #3....feeling great...shit's back in order for the most part so thought id share my "great to be back " cycle. = )

P.S.- will adjust A.I. accordingly during cycle and PCT when bloods are drawn..just went with what I've ran and with what has worked....will also post up diet and training routine when I get a chance later....spent an hour on this due to shitty phone service lol

12 WeekSustanon 350 @ .25ml/EOD Tren Ace @100mg EODAromasinCaberClomid
3525mg12.5mg EOD
4300mg400mg 12.5mg EOD
5300mg400mg12.5mg EOD
6300mg400mg12.5mg EOD
7300mg400mg12.5mg EOD 1mg/wk
8300mg400mg12.5mg EOD 1mg/wk
9300mg400mg12.5mg EOD 1mg/wk
10300mg400mg12.5mg EOD 1mg/wk
11300mg400mg12.5mg EOD 1mg/wk
12300mg400mg12.5mg EOD 1mg/wk
1312.5mg EOD
1412.5mg EOD
1512.5mg EOD 100mg/day
1612.5mg EOD 50mg/day
1712.5mg EOD 50mg/day
1812.5mg EOD 50mg/day
1912.5mg EOD 50mg/day
Makwa's picture

I would just be running some test e if only going 10wks and pinning E3d. Going to have a long delay before PCT running sust and kind of defeating the purpose of the long esters only going 10 wks.

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Roger that.....decided to extend cycle a few weeks ago and just haven't got a chance to update sir. Kinda tedious adjusting columns and shit on a little ass phone lol

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

I'll be updating my Test/ Tren dosage scheduling on log soon....totally forgot about it sorry

spartan72's picture

Good luck brother please keep us posted with your results. What does your diet look like?

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Diet has been kinda shitty due to where I work and work schedule

alekaras's picture

good luck buddy !!fuck booze ....pump iron !!

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Thanks bruh.....and Yessir I made the trade and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made

GrowMore's picture

Good luck mate hope it’s goig well

Owes a Review × 1
Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Yessir....appreciate it. Just started week 7 and feeling great....making good gains....actually hoping to go get bloods next week to see what's up. I also switched up a few things with cycle....been meaning to update but have been pretty busy lately

JACKEDAF's picture

That’s a very week pct brother. I’d suggest extending the cycle to 12 weeks as well

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

What else would you add to a 10wk cycle pct lol? I don't use any nolva due to running aro....and I've found it works well with clomid at smaller doses. Only time I've ran HCG in a cycle was with my 16wk EQ. Guess I could throw in some proviron in like before to help out a little but it just dont make sense to me that you'd call my PCT weak but then suggest I extend cycle ? There is a chance I might extend depending on how much sust is left but please specify next time on what your thoughts are. Thanks and happy growing brother

JACKEDAF's picture

Just because your running aromasin doesn’t mean you don’t need nolvadex. Better to be safe then sorry. How doesn’t it make sense? Fix your pct and extend your cycle to 12 weeks. Is that clear enough?

yeegits's picture

Awesome man, I’ve had similar experiences in life and it’s a great feeling to get back on your feet +1

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Thanks only makes us stronger right...

Masscheese638's picture

Good job dropping the booze bro, now your ready to kill it.

Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Definitely the right choice for sure....thanks bro