IrishJerk's picture
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Cycle Log


This was my first two cycles; I have to do a 12 week cycle for labs to be in check.
Feedback Positive or negative will be read and contemplated for adjustment.
NOTE: Believe it or not this cycle was all done Subcutaneously Prop 75mg every day and Cyponate or Ethonate EOD 125mg I prefer Cyponate, but both profiles work in this cycle profile.

HGH is 4 units or .4 cc a day x 5

WeekTestosterone CyponateTestosterone PropionateArimidexHGH
1438mg525mg1mg 20IU
2438mg525mg1mg 20IU
Sam I Am's picture

Usually I have more of an estrogen problem at the end of my cycle. Uour not taking any adex at the end? +2 for posting..

Owes a Review × 1
giardap's picture

This is a get fit cycle Irish? Right? You posted that you are only getting back into lifting and you're doing this man???

IrishJerk's picture

Smh right?

giardap's picture

Look... I wont sit here and pretend that a TRT fella cannot use a cycle of growth to help with getting lean, but you gotta start with food first.

I think you said you wanna lose 20lbs and get fit. So although yes the gh will help lose that fat (forget weight numbers, but bodyfat....) - you are talking about doing something here that will impair insulin sensitivity which will hamper your goal. Also the bulk carbs will exacerbate that.

Adex is vicious man, and with that insane prop combo (I do not agree with the use of short esters the way others do, so you will have different opinions on this, so this is just mine,....), while the prop is there you will need a higher lump of adex, but you are gonna seriously need to be careful and about BP too - this is all going against wanting to get fit/healthy again man..... Adex is vicious for crashing estro, and unless you absoutely know your doses, then I would say this could be too high. You need to be careful.

Would it not be better to keep dialing in the TRT, whilst learning to diet appropriately, and after that maybe running some growth?, play with LR3. All after getting that diet down?

IrishJerk's picture

3 mg is all I need bro , and the schedule it to accommodate the Sub Q injections and to maintain a good level control. Plus prop on a smaller dose schedule hurts less

IrishJerk's picture

Brosience opinions vary I will take that into consideration.

Dacky's picture

Sorry you were taking 3mg adex each day? Mate your lipids must be fucked to high heaven! Never mind serious concerns with bone density. Best get these checked out if you’re going to need 3mg each day -‘perhaps it was bunk adex. Id also love to see your on cycle lab work showing that was an appropriate dose and your e2 was dialled in. You got any of those you can share.

IrishJerk's picture

Nope Brother I was taking 1 mg eod, there was a little confusion on my post “no biggie” Bone density is up actually. .6 lbs over the past year. Lipids are in check get them tested every 4 months. I appreciate the concern, as far as the adex it is UGL. I only take adex when I go over 400 mg of test a week and I don’t take it longer than 6 weeks.
“Like I said in my log I want feedback good or bad, that is how I learn.” And hopefully someone else will learn from it too.

IrishJerk's picture

I probably need to tweak it, yep all better now.

IrishJerk's picture

4 iu 5 Days a week

Greaki's picture

I’m hoping he means 20iu weekly..

IrishJerk's picture

Yep I will edit my post

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