MillionDollarBonus's picture
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+ 1 Basic Bulk - First Time


Got my first ever blood test results back. Never taken any AAS.

Goal: To assess my bloodwork results and to look for outliers that may be affecting my health, athletic performance, and physique. Hoping to identify parameters that can be improved, and seeking input on how a basic, Test E-only cycle might affect me in both a positive and negative manner.

Age: 34 years old

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 167

Bodyfat: ~12-13% according to my calipers.

Current Exercise Routine: 5x/week. Pullups. Dips. Burpees. Calisthenics. DB Presses/rows/curls. KB swings/lunges/deadlifts. Med ball slams + Mace Swings. Run 1.5-2 miles.

Pre-Cycle Physique:

Pre-Cycle Blood Test Results:

WeekTest EAromasinHCGNolvadex
1500mg (250Mon/250Thur)
2500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
3500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
4500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
5500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
6500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
7500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
8500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
9500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
10500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
11500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)
12500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)1000 IU (500Sun/500Wed)
13500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)1000 IU (500Sun/500Wed)
14500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)1000 IU (500Sun/500Wed)
15500mg (250Mon/250Thur)25mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)1000 IU (500Sun/500Wed)
1625mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)1000 IU (500Sun/500Wed)
1725mg (12.5Tue/12.5Fri)1000 IU (500Sun/500Wed)
1812.5mg (ED)
1912.5mg (ED)
2012.5mg (ED)
2112.5mg (ED)
2212.5mg (ED)
2312.5mg (ED)
2412.5mg (ED)
hulk420's picture

I can tell you you won’t need that high of a dose the first 3 to 4 weeks for sure I wouldn’t even start taking it til week 3 unless you ramp up from a very small dose. Crashes estrogen sucks ass achy joints, hot flashes, flushing, mood swings, lethargy, ect. High estrogen is mainly high blood pressure and the nipple thing which is scary but can be easily reversed so long as you catch it early.

hulk420's picture

Your aromasin looks like it might be dosed too high bro. You are lean so you shouldn’t aromatize as much. Everyone is different though when it comes to AI. Some guys don’t need one at all at 500mg. I use adex personally so I’m not 100% sure about the dosing but I take 1mg adex a week on that dose and that’s with 25mg of proviron ed. I aromatize like crazy though.

MillionDollarBonus's picture

I'm 2 weeks in (4 injections) and haven't used any aromasin because I haven't noticed any side effects other than a desensitized dick and weaker-than-usual erections. My libido has diminished as well which is a bit of a bummer. I wonder if a small 6.25mg dose of aromasin would do the trick?

hulk420's picture

Worst case if your estro gets too high and your nipples get sore take 10mg of nolva ed for a week and increase your ai slightly don’t overcompensate though and crash your estro out of fear. Gyno takes a while to really set in and do permanent damage it doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t panic.

hulk420's picture

Man you should be about ready to fuck a hole in the wall already lol I start getting horny as shit around week 2 or 3 and by week 4 it’s uncontrollable lol. But yea I would start slow take a small dose and then increase as needed. You haven’t noticed any itching sensation in the nips yet right? Usually it won’t get to that point for 3-5 weeks but you don’t really want it to even get that far. I start my AI week 2 at a very small dose personally and it works for me. Take 6.25 and see how you feel it’s a small enough dose that it won’t crash your estrogen. Next week take the same dose and then week 4 up the dose to 12.5. Your so lean you really shouldn’t be aromatizing too much I don’t think you will need more than that but like I said everyone is different.

MackTruck's picture

500mg a week of only test I wouldn't bother using an AI. You need excess carbs and protein to get the most out of a bulking cycle.

MillionDollarBonus's picture

As somebody who's never done this, I've had some people recommend not taking an AI until sides are developed, and some say that I should automatically start taking AI. My fear is that I misinterpret a particular feeling with either low/high estrogren and then make an adjustment to the AI which exacerbates the problem even further...

hulk420's picture

Very good chance you will need one bro I would start at a much lower dose though and you don’t need to start it till a few weeks in. If you feel any itching in your nipples at all bump the dose is slowly. Only way to be 100% is blood test but I never got bloods my first couple cycles and learned the hard way.

hulk420's picture

High estrogen is easy to identify because by the time you notice it your nipples will be itchy and tender. So long as you adjust your dose right away it will go away quick. If you wait too long your nips will get super sore and even if you crash your estrogen you will have the sore nips and even tissue growth for weeks after it starts. Once estrogen binds to the receptors I the breats tissue it stays for a while. If it gets that far you can take a small dose of nolvadex for a week or two while you correct the AI dose.

MillionDollarBonus's picture

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I already ordered the gear and it's on the way, but I have yet to use it. Will it stay good if I decide to get checked out by a doctor (what kind of doc is best for Kidney issues anyway?) and/or do more research before I jump in? I recall having higher-than-normal bilirubin levels in two separate blood tests back when I was 25 and 29.

MillionDollarBonus's picture

No orals fortunately. Thanks for the advice.

Spark's picture

Do you drink alcohol?

MillionDollarBonus's picture

Not really. I drank regularly from college through age 28. Since then, very infrequently. Nowadays, it's maybe 1 glass of wine every two weeks. Minimal amounts.

terciobold's picture

With your metabolism and eagerness to bulk you need to increase calories big time...Your body will process high carb/high good fats and raise protein levels to at least 2g protein per lb.of body weight...I would even go more personally but thats a general rule of thumb..You cant bulk eating like a hummingbird!! Lol...I would limit the running/calisthenics too bro

Owes a Review × 1
militaru's picture

Hi. I think your diet is not good at all after i seen bloodwork. Your HDL and Cholesterol is very high to begin a cycle. Do you eat? At your height and weight i don't think so. How many ears of training do u have? And for the cycle keep it simple for max 10 weeks. Read this:

MillionDollarBonus's picture

I diligently track my food intake /macros. Total caloric intake is somewhere around 2000kCal/day with carbs at ~130g/day, protein at ~150g/day, and fat at ~70g/day. I posted something similar on another website and several commented that my bloodwork was indicative of overtaining/stress on my body (high LDL, low t, low e2). I'm inclined to believe that because I've felt absolutely beat lately after increasing the frequency of my workouts to 5-6x/week. I'm also a relatively high stress person.

Spark's picture

Calories are way too low. Need to up them a lot. Also may want to cut back to 4-5 days training in the gym. Stop running and intense cardio.
Sticking with a lot of compound heavier barbell movements to add thickness. 5/3/1 would probably be a good program for you to follow.
But without enough cals and recovery it will not work.

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