shayde's picture
  • 8

-6 A




Wrong esters on test and tren for cutting... you need shorts bro prop and tren A on a short length cycle... enans wont even kick till wk 4 and then your nearly done.

Tons more research needed for you bro... thought you would have known more at this stage.

Also dump your idea about 8 wk bulkers too! there is no such cycle.

fast48's picture


fast48's picture

Figure out that test e.....

shayde's picture

Ok I will follow your advice. I'm back on the drawing board. I reduced the test e doses. I'm still looking for other things to change before I start this cycle

ruski's picture

Wtf am i looking at? Dude id never run gear again if i was you.

shayde's picture

MastP will help with aromatisation. I've never ran tren before. I'll hand you that. I'm saying it's possible to run shorter cycles with long esters by frontloading them.

fast48's picture

Masteron is NOT AN AI

shayde's picture

I'm already using an AI, I'm just using masteron in conjunction with tren and test. I liked masteron the first time I used it with test. It made me hard. It was back when I was 11% BF.

fast48's picture

Bingo! So you have correctly discussed proper use of masteron on a cutter.

Now dump the rest and form a cutter cycle....12 or 8 Weeks.

shayde's picture

Smile we'll work it out guys. Stuborn as I am you guys are making me see what I should be doing. I'll go back to the drawing board. Probaby visit Zewi's cutter cycles and build soemething from there.

fast48's picture

It's just for your growth man. Its your body. Make it work together n repost..

fast48's picture

After this.....took whole day off. Last few days is all arguments and stress don't help my cycle. Lol. Thanks bro

shayde's picture

Here we go, I forgot to add the aromasin in, I already got some handy and some caber. I agree the EQ was a bad idea. Taking in 4 weeks of EQ in 2 weeks, I'll keep it for future use.

Now I know there are two scools, to frontload or to not frontload... I need advice from front loaders here.

fast48's picture

The entire layout is poorly planned. All of it.

shayde's picture

You're leaving me with two options bro:
Making it a 12 week cycle without adding gear and making doses 500 instead of 750... etc...


Keep doing a 8 week cycle and cut dosages by 30-40%

fast48's picture

Best option....buying proper cutter cycle. Not leftovers.

fast48's picture

This is horrible and scarey. Please research and come back. Since its your FIFTH cycle....i'm not hand wiping this one.

fast48's picture

Cutter just pops half dozen great cycles to mind. I just dunno here. If last cycles failed...i surely can see why.

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