mr127superdee's picture
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+ 1 2nd cycle *revised for a 2nd time need some help with winny


5'9" 205lbs bodyfat in low to mid 20s%. expectations: size strength keep gains. I had terrible trouble pct on first cycle and lost all gains i do not want this to happen again.
Big d prop and enanth and clomid and nova and winstrol
purchase peptides aromasin
peptide man hcg

WeekTestosterone EnanthateTest PropAromasinWinstrolarimidex
1600mg100mg eod12.5mg ed
2600mg100mg eod12.5mg ed
3600mg100mg eod12.5mg ed
4600mg100mg eod
5600mg100mg eod6mg
7600mg1mg twice a week
8600mg1mg twice a week
9600mg1mg twice a week
10600mg50mg ed1mg twice a week
11600mg50mg ed1mg twice a week
12600mg50mg ed1mg twice a week
1350mg ed1mg twice a week
1450mg ed1mg twice a week
Colossus_fit's picture

damn it! I'm sorry for this .. I ve never had problems with it. Have you tried to reduce the dose?

Colossus_fit's picture

what problems have you had with Aromasin bro?

fast48's picture

Reduce dosr if signs of low estro. Squeaky dry joints etc. a lil estro is good...lubes joints and you need some. Try 6-7 ed....hard to do with dripper but ya. High estro would be night sweats...low libido...water retention.

fast48's picture

Your new revision looks pretty good. Suggestion.....cardio down the bf to 12% prior to start so your only real concern is growing vs cutting/estro combat. And hcg is split 250/250 per week?

fast48's picture

Eating clean and cardio with androgens will definitly help. Don't worry too much about cutting down. I used to think the same way and keep the bulky bouncer look. Odd as it sounds...definition will make you look even thicker. You've got a great base and cycle looks good! Grow well!

thatotherdude's picture

Your foundation has the potential for some serious mass. Also like the cycle, I personally love anavar. I just get bad bloody noses on it. Winny would be a good replacement. I also like adex better then aro, to each is own. Key here is finding out what your body responsed to best. Gains and leans are made in the kitchen Smile good luck bro keep us posted!

Freeze's picture

just personal experience but I would go with Adex instead of aromasin., Aromasin is expensive to make and theres a ton of fake stuff out there. So unless you have a trusted source go with Adex for your AI. I pop the 1mg caps e3d after week 4 then get blood work done and adjust as necessary. Worst thing is having out of control estro and not having a backup plan. If you already have Aromasin, get some Adex also for backup. Another FYI, is not everyone responds well to Aromasin. The Anavar could go in favor of a better mild injectable ie Equipoise or Masteron for example. On to the Diet, to me it looks more like a dirty bulk, cut out the bread, bananas and potatoes, do a little carb control by getting all your carbs in the first 6-8 hours of your day, protein the rest of the day. You will get a lot more from your gear and sweat

fast48's picture

Last five Weeks with Winny would unbind the androgens and boost the test plus cut ya up. Test/Winny work well together imo

Colossus_fit's picture

I would keep anavar for an another cycle bro..personal opinion

Colossus_fit's picture

Remember bro,Test and Hgc will increase your estrogen levels(from aromatization)!!You need aromasin from the beginning because it' ll keep low the estrogens!

Colossus_fit's picture

yes bro...

Colossus_fit's picture

12.5mg should be ok to keep estrogen levels low ... So little retention and no gyno. Aromasin also raises levels of IGF-1 and raises the levels of test.if you see that is not enough, you can get up to 25mg/day.I used 12.5mg/day of aromasin with 750mg test en /week for 10 weeks(from sixth weeks I upped the dose to 25mg because 12.5 was not enough)