Macaframa510's picture
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1st Cycle


Test E - 300mg/week
Amiridex - 10-20mg after 4-6 weeks
I have Clomid as well. From what I have read Amiridex works better than Clomid. Is that true? Also how to combat water retention? Any suggestions?

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAnti Ester
Monsta03z's picture

You need to do more research before diving any further
The kind of questions you’re asking shows you not ready
Post your stats goals and training history
Many knowledgeable members here can help you

Macaframa510's picture

Thanks for the help. So it is safe to say my buddy doesn’t know what he is doing then? He poked me with 300mg the other day and said I’m going to do that 2x a week for 10 weeks and then I take either the Clomid or nolvadex. Should I buy something else to add with this cycle?

Makwa's picture

So it is safe to say my buddy doesn’t know what he is doing then?

He is an idiot. I see a trainwreck happening here. You don't even know what compounds do what. I would abort before you get in balls deep and wreck yourself. You have a lot to learn yet.

Macaframa510's picture

Can’t I just cop some ai and start taking it?'s picture

I have Clomid as well. From what I have read Amiridex works better than Clomid. Is that true?

Macaframa510's picture


Macaframa510's picture

Sorry Nolvadex not Amiridex

Immortaltech's picture

Arimidex has nothing to do with clomid, clomid is used on pct, ardimidex is ai, please check the forums, there are few sticky threads about first cycle and all u need.

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Macaframa510's picture

Sorry Nolvadex not Amiridex

Immortaltech's picture

how is your diet and bodyfat? and how long u been training for?

both are completely different, nolva blocks estrogen from rising, and arimidex reduces estrogen, nolva is usually used pct, because when ur hormones are balancing after the cycle, it will make sure ur estrogen wont rise and keep it at a steady level atleast, some people use nolvadex instead of adex that's true, but im not sure, it could workout tho

as house said, i would recommand 500mg, instead because not everyone metabolize the same, some people will get 1k at 300mg, and some 3k, so if u had 300mg and u would metabolize 1k-1.5k it would be kinda useless u know thats just above maximum, i had a cycle log please check it out it's interesting

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Macaframa510's picture

Yeah man. All I know is what someone that has been doing this for a few years told and showed me. So that’s why I’m on here trying to figure it out. Totally new to this site.

Macaframa510's picture

Sorry Nolvadex not Amiridex

House's picture

Clomid is not the same as Adex. You might want to check that out. Most guys first cycle is 500 mg ew of test. Seems like your rushing a lil.

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