canadianroider's picture
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-3 My Biggest Cycle, Non-Fake F***ing Shit


As the title implies, a lot of money can be spent, planned and executed, but if the gear is shit then your just lost 6 months of your life+ and your never going to get it back...This cycle was not one of them, but I would soon find out who much fucking bully shit fuck toilet water fuck crap is in the industry. And worst of all, I would later find out that most of the 'Labs' are just ordering from a smaller set of actual cookers...most gear are made by a small set of underground labs. They take order, make labels for you if you want, or go elsewhere and you tell them if you want 100% of 60%, and who knows, some of them might just decide for the nOOby startup....fucking bullshit.

Enough of that..this cycles what My best cycle every...nipples just wouldn't stay down and the gains in strength and size was amazing..oh and the new views was even more amazing, and fucked like a jack-hammer.

This is where I hit 268lbs my heaviest ever. Oh and 12 weeks, thats for nOObs, let push this out to 16 weeks!!

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDecaTrenbolone EnanthateMasteron EnanthateAnadrolHalotestin Halotestin NolvadexAromasinPregnyl
3500mg600mg400mg400mg25mg ED10mg ED
4500mg600mg400mg400mg50mg ED20mg ED40mg EOD50mg EOD
5500mg600mg400mg400mg40mg EOD50mg EOD
6500mg600mg400mg400mg40mg EOD50mg EOD
7500mg600mg400mg400mg25mg ED10mg ED40mg EOD50mg EOD50mg EOD
8500mg600mg400mg400mg50mg ED20mg ED40mg EOD50mg EOD
9500mg600mg400mg400mg40mg EOD50mg EOD
10500mg600mg400mg400mg40mg EOD50mg EOD
11500mg600mg400mg400mg25mg ED10mg ED40mg EOD50mg EOD
12500mg600mg400mg400mg50mg ED20mg ED40mg EOD50mg EOD
13500mg600mg400mg400mg40mg EOD50mg EOD
14500mg600mg400mg400mg40mg EOD50mg EOD
15500mg600mg400mg400mg25mg ED10mg ED40mg EOD50mg EOD
16500mg600mg400mg400mg50mg ED20mg ED40mg EOD50mg EOD
1740mg EOD50mg EOD
182500IU EOD
192500IU EOD
alwaysmassive78's picture

Your best bench is the same as you squat at 315 pounds and we're all lame? That's average bench but baby squats. Huge amount of gear for someone lifting just over body weight for legs. And less than I could do before I touched anything


.People want pictures but don't have any posted of themselves.

Is this what eRoids is about? Bunch of forum monkeys banging there dicks and keyboards?..

I agree.............. its fkn lame.......... putup.... or.... shutup i say.


I,m learning soooo much from you bro................ you are the future, your cycles are fkn amazing and im on it like fuck........ i wanna be as big as you sooooo bad it hurts, you got it right bro its ALL about the gear! and its time these fucks woke up....... who do fuck do they think they are shit talking to a fkn real life walking talking monster like you.

That stack is fkn amazing...... everybody should be on it!!

Great to have a guy like onboard...................... excellent stuff man keep it coming Smile

dudebro's picture

Could've used a few more compounds if you ask me.

lofter86's picture

I'm no expert but seeing all these compounds makes me think someone is trying to die. GL

IrishMack's picture

And no pictures to even prove anything. I call it trolltastic because someone is just looking for attention or trying to speed up a heart attack. Another waste of space.

madman's picture

freedom1981's picture

Yeah the same one want to use tren a for 12 weeks for first time .

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freedom1981's picture

This is not your best cycle man . This the ending of your life . You can't handle all and you need tons of liver support . How you count this as a bulk cycle and you have 6 or 7 compounds in one cycle . What is your previous cycle ? How long you are using steroids ? And doesn't matter all these question . It's disaster to use all these in one cycle .

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Mitch77's picture

I'm not an expert, but to me it looks like its bulking and cutting cycle in one. Makes no sense, 4 different oils and 2 orals. You could do bulking up cycle with test, deca and anadrol and later switch to tren e, masteron e and halo. But this is only my opinion. Curious what experts has to say about your cycle.

Goose24's picture

Disaster of a cycle. I see you made it through it, too bad we couldn't crack you open and look at your insides because I'm pretty certain you would be changing your tone.