CBBurrr's picture
  • 409

+ 5 First Ever Cycle


Planning out my first cycle, and my research tells me that all good cycles start with a good plan. If you see something that does not look right, please chime in.
Stats: 45 years, 5-11, 177lbs about 14% BF. lifting for two years with a solid routine and diet. I am somewhat of a hard gainer, losing weight comes real easy.

I plan on running the basic test e cycle, 500mg a week for 12 weeks. I decided to go with aromasin as my AI, and will use clomid and nolva for PCT. Will do 2 test injections per week.
I have pre cycle blood work scheduled for next week, getting the female hormone panel from the online blood test company. will do another around week 6 or 7 and again a few weeks after PCT.
I plan on doing a 4 days per week upper lower split, keeping the reps around 8 to 15. Hope to avoid tendon injury by keeping the reps up. Workouts should last about an hour and 15, pretty much sticking with my usual workout program. ( generic bulk routine)
My Kcal for maintenance level is about 2800, plan on eating around 3500 during cycle. will adjust as needed for blubber control.
I've purchased 20gauge needle/syringe combo for pulling the oil and have 23gauge 1" for pushing it out.
plan on hitting quads first, then switch to glutes. not sure where I'll pin after that.
I'm counting on the advice from the guys here at eroids for pretty much every aspect of this cycle. I have no friends that have done this before.

WeekTestosterone Enanthate aromasinNolvadexclomidTorem
4500mg6.25mg eod
5500mg6.25mg eod
6500mg6.25mg etd
7500mg6.25mg eod
8500mg6.25mg etd
9500mg6.25mg etd
10500mg6.25mg etd
11500mg6.25mg etd
12500mg6.25mg etd
136.25mg etd
14 6.25mg etd
156.25mg eod20mg ed50mg ed60mg ed
166.25mg eod20mg ed50mg ed60mg ed
174mg eod10mg ed25 mg ed45mg ed
10mg ed25mg ed30mg ed
doctor_d's picture

I've been struggling a little with my research in terms of first cycle. ie. should I go with a SERM/Aromasin/Arimidex on cycle? Should I use SERM on cycle and AI PCT? Yes, I have had some good advice from experienced guys here - but being my age and somewhat cautious as to the effects of AAS, I've been indecisive as well!

I'm 51 and feeling that your posted 1st cycle is the way to go. Got to agree with the compliments you've received in terms of how detailed and responsible you've been with this log. Thanks for caring about all of us Smile

CBBurrr's picture

Use the serms for PCT and use adex if you need it on cycle.
Read this cycle log a little closer, it should make more sense.

CBBurrr's picture

Just posted bloodwork from PCT,
this is the middle of week 4, I had been taking 30mg torem, 25mg clomid and 10 mg nolva ED this 4th week.
I had included 2mg of aromasin daily in the first 3 weeks, but stopped it 4 days before these bloods.

CBBurrr's picture

Today was the last day of a 4 week PCT, I'm gonna go an extra week of clomid/nova at 25/10. I'm 45 and figure an extra week cant hurt. PCT was pretty much a breeze! I feel like my sex drive and energy level are back to normal.... but normal is disappointing compared to that on cycle feeling.

I did a female hormone panel in the middle of week 4, just to see how things look, Should have results soon.

I'm still holding on to 9 pounds of gains, and have dropped some BF too. Strength in the gym is down just a little, I'm lifting the same weights, but have seen my reps drop by one or two,

I'm really looking forward to my next cycle, sometime in June or July I think.

CBBurrr's picture

Dropped my torem dose down to 30mg a day for this last week, also dropped the aromasin. I felt like my joints were getting too dry.

Bloodwork showed giant platelets and a few abnormal red blood cells. I think I might have a b12 def. I have celiac disease, and the messed up intestines that result from it. Could be causing malabsorption. Will have to talk to my doc about it.
I just discovered a lab that is only an hour and a half from home, instead of the 3 hours I had been traveling. I'll be using Labsmd.com from now on.

PoundForPound's picture

Celiac Sprue = A Bitch!
Sorry, bro!
I can relate in my way as I've had Crohn's Disease for 18 years, so good work!

JuniorHealy's picture

This is a good cycle log man. I really wish I would have done my first cycle as well as you. Like the way it's all posted and logged. +1

CBBurrr's picture

Day 19 of PCT, so fr so good.
I posted results of mid PCT blood work.

CBBurrr's picture

14 days into PCT, I've lost 9 pounds of the 20 I gained. I'm OK with this, I don't think I've lost an of the muscle I added. Just a bunch of water and some fat.
I caught a gnarly cold the week before PCT started, that hampered eating and workouts a little.
I've also been doing some hard manual labor for the last couple weeks. I had some weather related work opportunities come up and had to jump on them.

PCT is still treating me well, I may be down a little in the libido dept. but not by much.

I noticed the first real change to my emotional status yesterday, had to take my sick cat the vet. The cat carried on for the whole car ride over there, and it actually got me a little teary eyed.

All in all, PCT is going pretty good.

Green Ranger's picture

Thanks for this great cycle log bro best wishes

geminibeach's picture

great post man!!! this will help me out on my first cycle

CBBurrr's picture

11 days into PCT and still no sides. I feel a little tired, but I've been working hard, so it's to be expected. On Wed.I will drop my dosages down on the nolva and clomid.

CBBurrr's picture

Went to the local health expo and got another blood draw today. Did the health screen plus CBC and PSA.
Results take a little while and will be mailed to me. My blood came out pretty slow, I hope I can get my RBC and hemoglobin numbers back into range.

tonytulo's picture

very nice updating your first cycle man if only more people cared about their health and did the research about anabolics gear wouldn't be looked at soo horribly bro. sounds like you made some good gains bro. you did your research,made a plan,asked for opinions and listened to people. then executed your plan. thumbs up for the good work this is what eroids is about.

CBBurrr's picture

I hope this cycle log will be helpful for other noobies. I'm sure I'll be pulling it back out when it comes time for my second cycle.

CBBurrr's picture

10 days into PCT, all is well. feel like my normal self with no crash symptoms yet.

CBBurrr's picture

Today is the end of week one PCT. All is going pretty well. I still have an average sex drive, night time boners, normal energy levels, and normal emotions.
At my heaviest during this cycle I was up to 197 pounds. Today, I'm at 189 pounds. I've been doing hard manual labor 6 hours a day at work, and got back into eating at maintenance. I'm guessing I lost a lot of water weight, maybe a few pounds of fat, but probably didn't lose any muscle yet.

My one noticeable side is some heartburn. I've never really had it before, it's not epic just annoying.

CBBurrr's picture

So far so good with PCT. finally kicked that cold that was bringing my energy level way down last week.

I noticed a change in erections right after starting PCT. Wood was way harder than normal, like so hard a cat couldn't scratch it! made for a great valentines day.

Testes did not shrink too much with this cycle, after only a couple days of PCT they seem to be back to full size. I know that doesn't mean too much, but it is good for moral.

CBBurrr's picture

11 days since last pin. Don't feel too much different yet, but I did catch a damn cold from my kid.
I find myself a little bit irritable, stupid people on the road were particularly annoying today, lol.

CBBurrr's picture

It's been one week since my last pin. I noticed a slight change in my emotional state today, a little anxious about some work stuff. No big deal, but the first time I've noticed a change since finishing.

I wonder how PCT will be for me, some make through easy, while others report some shitty feelings for weeks. I'll keep you posted.

CBBurrr's picture

Just got done donating blood. Feel about 500ml lighter now Smile
I knew from my pre cycle bloodwork that I had a pretty high RBC count.
The finger prick test they give you before donating checks to see if you hemoglobin count is within their acceptable range. Mine came in at 20.1, they max out at 21.5

My blood was thick as hell and they had to push it through the tubing with some roller tool to keep it moving.
The girl was puzzled at first on why my flow kept stopping, then she looked at my chart and was like, ahhhh , dude you have some real thick blood. You need to do this more often.

They come to my town every 8 weeks, I think I'll become a regular!

CBBurrr's picture

Added a new supplement to my cycle. Psyllium Husk, lol. I've been dealing with a food bloat from the huge amount of Kcals I consume. I was crapping regularly, but always had a food baby w/ me. Feel great after taking a huge morning dump.
All part of getting old I guess, but boy does it feel good to clean out the colon.

dabuddha669's picture

I use psyllium husk as well, it does wonders for digestion!

vhman's picture

A mixed bag here... Good for the psyllium husk addition, but not sure we wanted to hear the rest!! lol

CBBurrr's picture

Just did my sunday pin, 3/4 of a cc in the glute. I aspirated blood for the first time today! I couldn't bring myself to reinject my own blood, so I scraped that syringe and it's red tinted test and loaded a fresh one.

Reinjecting blood just seemed like a junky thing to do. I must have watched pulp fiction too many times.

vhman's picture

IV drug users do it all the time!! ;-)
No problem re-injecting, but there is no problem with what you did either. As long as you kept your sterility program the same before you re-injected, you'll be fine.

P.S. Welcome to LVL 1!

CBBurrr's picture

I've got about 3 weeks before starting PCT. I just ordered up a little torem in case I have issues with a full dose of clomid. Is there any reason to attempt to run a combo of clomid/nolva/torem, or should I just save the torem in case I have bad sides from clomid?
I'm well stocked on pharma grade clomid and nolva!

vhman's picture

I wouldn't do a mix of clomid/torem. Chose one and see how it goes. Maybe go with the old standard clomid/nolva for this cycle, which is your first and save the torem for your next.
I've seen you participate and learn quite a bit since you've jumped on Eroids. Good work and keep it up.


CBBurrr's picture

Yea, I should probably run the standard protocol PCT, but I've heard a few people talking about the joys of a torem PCT. They make it sound like it's all euphoria and boners, lol.

vhman's picture

If you feel like you should go with torem, then do it. I was just saying choose one. Never tried torem, but I've read good things. Let me know how it goes.

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