posted Sat, 07/17/2021 - 17:43
Dianabol by Ultima Pharma
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Works great, I always had a ton laying around because they've always been thrown in as freebies with my orders. In this instance used it for the first time when I crashed my estrogen & very quickly became a fan of it. A few days in I felt euphoric on it, I was always in a great mood, it gave great pumps and filled me out for the time period. I plan on using it during bulks in the future.
Very credible product from a great lab
Went up a few pounds from water retention & BP went up some. These are expected side effects from using Dbol
Very fun oral to run
It really seemed to kick in after a week. I just felt stronger in all my lifts and felt like I could keep going at the gym even longer.
The product worked very well for me. I have never had a problem with any of Ultima’s products.
Only side effect I had was a little spike in water retention and BP. Nothing outrageous though, but I did run a lowish dose.
I really enjoyed my time on this product. I bought the 10mg packs. It made it easy to spread out my dose at 30mg/day.