cronic_gains's picture
  • 19

+ 6 205 lbs


Me at 205 lbs running test prop 350mg a week

PS. appreciate the guys that told me cover face real quick, much respect ----

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simonmagus84's picture

I’m 205 and you look like a beast compared to me lol. Nice beard man, keep up that look.

cronic_gains's picture

Cheers bro appreciate you, I am only 5'10"
My head alone is probably a good 80 lbs or so lmao

AK80's picture

You look bigger than 205. Even baby ain't natty on that Enfamil! Keep up the good work Smile Are you slin pinning 70 ED?

cronic_gains's picture

Cheers brother appreciate you, my goal is 220 lean. I was 205 a few days ago but I deffo wish I was bigger than 205!

I was doing 100mg EOD

23Sparta's picture

There we go, mask up buttercup. Much better. Welcome to the gauntlet, and the 205 club. Keep your head down, keep grinding and slinging that iron.

cronic_gains's picture

Appreciate you brother, I forget how different things are out here in the US. Probably got ICE keeping an eye out for me now haha

23Sparta's picture

Yeah yeah, it’s all good, we’re here to support and uplift one another. Just wanna play everything as close to one hundred as you can.

cronic_gains's picture

Safe brother

Stokes500's picture

Does that come in man size ? Pmsl just busting your balls looking good fella keep at what ever your doing because it’s paying off

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cronic_gains's picture

Ill come in what ever you like fella if the moneys right! Haha appreciate you bro much love from England (here in the US)

MurderHornet2020's picture

How’s the cycle going? How do you feel?

cronic_gains's picture

Cycle was going great but I didn't stock up enough on the prop and they were out of stock when I went to order more so I'm going to switch it up. Finished 4 vials of prop a couple days ago at 350 a week so about 80 days in. Just had a baby so my sleep is absolutely terrible right now and appetite isn't great

But I still feel full of energy and on top of the world

MurderHornet2020's picture

Doing PCT after?

cronic_gains's picture

No pct, I have a prescription for test back in the UK. Doctor said I'll be on it for life so I'm just going to blast and cruise and TRT

MurderHornet2020's picture

Hell yeah… glad you got a TRT doc back home. Just curious what is like a TRT dose?

cronic_gains's picture

They started me on 40mg a day with gel you rub on shoulders, I was booked in to see endocrinologist but I had to move to the USA short notice. Once I go back I'll go see him and get the jabs but they didn't mention what dose for the jabs yet. This was all a year and 8 months ago

MurderHornet2020's picture

Interesting thanks for sharing man!

cronic_gains's picture

More than welcome mate, anytime

MurderHornet2020's picture

Test feeling is great like you’re 21 again.

23Sparta's picture

I’m telling yall…. Test. Is. The. Best.

Rosschestzip's picture

We’re you low T when you started, or do you run high doses? Cus I don’t get this really great feeling when I’m on test. I had a guess that it could be that the guys that say they feel great might be naturally low so they feel even better now that there on test or maybe I don’t run enough test, idk I usually stay between 350-500 but I’ve gone up to like 700 before

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23Sparta's picture

Yeah, that’s definitely an excellent point you just made. Sadly, I never ran my natty levels before I jumped into all of this. Although, I was 42, so one could assume. I remember though the benefits that I admired most, and still to this day, occur from the neck up. I have two boys right now running their inaugural testosterone blast. I had them both do their pre-cycle bloods, so as not to make the same mistake as me. They both scored high. One of them was in the upper 900s (36yo) and actually was outside the reference range for that particular lab. lol, his doctor even asked him if he was on TRT. Anyway, neither one has described to me feeling that absolute relief one gets from going from low T to mid to upper and beyond into the supraphysiological. Then I have another boy who’s bloods came back test was like 100 something, he just went on self prescribed TRT and it’s been life-changing for him mentally. So yeah bro, I would definitely agree with what you just said based on what I’ve seen and experienced. Naturally low T, especially for a while, big head change for the better. Normal T, don’t notice that part so much

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya I kinda suspected that would be the case. But I also think it’s kinda gradual so if I was to look back from when I’m in to when I’m off, I probably am more energized and probably more productive but I just don’t tend to notice it in the moment

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cronic_gains's picture

Yes I was very low testosterone, when I got my doctor to check she was shocked. Couldn't believe how low I was she said if my body was the scale my test was in my boots. I can't remember the exact number.

Test prop feels the best I think. That 100mg shot is a real booster. I feel better on prop than I do cyp or enanthate

But yes I was so low I was 80 lbs, no motivation, depressed and suffering severe anxiety. Had to change doctors as the first one just wanted to pump me full of pills for depression and anxiety that made me feel like shit and lazy. So when I got the test it was life changing to say the least

cronic_gains's picture

It truly is, I have no problems with motivation when I'm on test what so ever. Not an ounce of laziness

SeeOhShow's picture

Be 200 without the beard lol. I have beard envy…can’t grow one like that

cronic_gains's picture

That's why I'm not cutting it haha, when I became a railway track engineer I had it going past my nipples but the fuckers in the office made me cut it clean off citing that we must wear fitted oxygen masks to work in the tunnels..

Well I turn up to work first day and every geeza has a full blown beard and not one fitted oxygen mask was on site! And I'm there looking like a European immigrant fresh off the boat! Lmao

SeeOhShow's picture

Lmao you got hazed. I’ve passed my fit test with the shitty little facial hair I have, but rules are rules and I gotta shave it off regardless if I’m gonna be wearing one. Now I just go with the hardcore porn stache like the firefighters. My wife hates it lol so I rock it for a few days then shave it off completely

cronic_gains's picture

I wish I had a better mustache, currently growing it out to see what I can do with it but the wife prefers my top lip shaven

23Sparta's picture

Amish Mafia

cronic_gains's picture

Just let me know if you need a house or a barn built by hand in a day or two mate we got you

23Sparta's picture

Naw, but you can hook me up with one of your cousins

cronic_gains's picture

Sorry mate I'm one of those Alabama Amish, I don't share my cousins

23Sparta's picture

You’re a lucky man

cronic_gains's picture

Oh I don't know about that, my wife's Latina.. lucky in the sense I get to smash that big beautiful ass on the regular. But Jesus Christ the attitude on it sometimes and the mood swings.. god forbid she doesn't get enough sleep

23Sparta's picture

My boys Latina baby mama likes chucking Yankee candles at his head when she’s mad.

cronic_gains's picture

Wtf she's trying to write him off and collect that life Insurance money

23Sparta's picture

She’s from South America bro, that’s just par for the course

cronic_gains's picture

Praying for your boy, hope he makes it to a ripe old age with no head injuries

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