Finnatobbuff81's picture
  • 93

Dcpharma worth the wait


Love the Tren Base as a preworkout, but also using DC preworkout blend currently. Tren base, DHB, TNE

Ordered from: 
AK80's picture

What the heck is that stuff? Looks nothing like what I got 2 years ago when he was legit (different label) Red flag! (we know)

Finnatobbuff81's picture

Honestly his Tren base still hits hard. Only one I get the cough from only using a half CC. It was legit stuff

SeeOhShow's picture

He transitioned to those shitty paper stickers. So all his stuff looked like that for ~1-2 years before he ghosted.

JakeKO's picture

Really though??? What a fking joke, LOL

anvil's picture

You received this in the past 2 days? If so, when did you place the order? Lots of people in dc forum would love to know for sure.

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

No 2 weeks ago. It was ordered early December but took about a month to get

Ag4936cali's picture

This was from the missing source? Lol

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