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+ 5 GorillaKing provi and primo + banana


Was in need of some provi so I decided to give some of this liquid provi a try. Couldn't pass up on a couple of bottles of primo either. Lol
Order Monday and got it the following Monday.

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Makwa's picture

Ran through a couple of bottles of it last cycle and it was good.

Big Tone36's picture

Good stuff. I've actually been thinking of utilizing these 2 compounds in my next cycle. Thinking about doing this.
750mg sustanon
600 eq
600 primo
100mg Proviron

Makwa's picture

probably going to need that much test. EQ and primo both seem to lower my estro quite significantly, especially the EQ.

Big Tone36's picture

I hear that about eq more and more. All the books I've read back in the day say it aromatize 50% rate of test but people say their bloods say different. When I'm on lots of primo my libido does decrease I wonder if it's from too low estro

Makwa's picture

EQ doesn't aromatize. Broscience. I've done EQ with no testosterone to test that theory out and there is zero aromatization. Not doing that again Lol 600 test e and 600mg EQ and haven't needed to touch AI this entire cycle.

Big Tone36's picture

Last cycle I used masteron 600mg for that same purpose. I don't typically use a.i . unless I'm having sensitive nips

boz645's picture

Nice, proviron should be a staple in any cycle. It really enhances the other compounds. +1

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

I went without for about 1.5wks here and noticed a dip. Glad to get it back in the cycle now.

Big Tone36's picture

Absolutely it lower SHBG, aside from the cholesterol side effects proviron is great!

Diesel77's picture

Primo200...delicious. 50mg proviron sounds awesome too. Never had any liquid orals before, provi is so underrated IMO...quality provi is magical for me, can literally feel younger with it and I notice my grip becomes ungodly strong on it, all while on TRT dose test.

Big Tone36's picture

I like running proviron while on trt. Helps hold on to gains

Makwa's picture

My libido usually becomes annoyingly high at 50mg/d so I should know in a few days how this rates.

Mac12769's picture

Now that's a "measuring stick" Lol No homo. When the wife bitches, I'll send ya a goat lol. Jump all over that ride.

Makwa's picture

That is how I know it is good provi, when she starts complaining and saying I am taking too much shit. That was only with 25mg/d. Ran out of provi for awhile here and she stopped complaining. Doing 50mg/d now to finish off cycle so hoping she really starts complaining again.

ONESICK's picture

How is the provi going so far? Thinking of picking some up

Makwa's picture

Only been on a few days so far, but woke the wife up about 3am this morning so I think things are going in the right direction.

ONESICK's picture

It's only homo if you touch sticks

alekaras's picture

Looks good, dosed 50mg per ml?

Makwa's picture


alekaras's picture

That's good, and sorry for the stupid question make how does it works you draw 1 ml in a syringe with out needle and drink it?

Makwa's picture

GK provides a 1ml oral syringe

alekaras's picture


Gorillakingz's picture

Thanks bud