Eph's picture
Eph -39 Claim this!


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Big Tone36's picture

Im Bashing someone? You bashed yourself numerous times here, now trying to fraudulent. I don't need to bash you, your doing great on your own. I outta here, good luck buddy

Scooter81's picture

Haters. Epharma has the best gear and customer service. I have sold probably 30 bottles of sustanon myself and used another 2 personally and never had a problem. One soy boy gets a lump and all of the gear is shit? Lol that’s rich…

nails337's picture

You deserve to be appreciated and applauded for your shop. Thanks for the great service!

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Diesel77's picture

@Eph In case you missed when I asked yesterday....

Whatever happened to those long awaited promised Janos, specifically for the Sust batch in question by member Bully who posted a softball sized lump after using? The pic that's in your reviews/pic section? Are you still "waiting" for those?

What about the "local testing" being performed by a local lab that you mentioned months ago? You still waiting for that also? It's funny you never again said anything about those, but have time to post pics of "double" orders.....lmfao

Diesel77's picture

If you say so....keep on passing the blame like a true LAME. One thing I can assure you is...I am me, I am not "tom" and I only have this 1 and only this 1 account. I encourage Admin or Mods to verify that if needed, I know the truth and outcome fully well. You on the other hand, can't say the same given the fact that you've been exposed for creating GearHead7777 solely to boost your own ego and post a fake review/client testimonial for.

Pathetic to say the very least. You and your lies...from "not knowing how to post pics" to these 9 month old Janos that are never coming...you claim to not know how to post pics, yet you did it the other day under GearHead7777 when you posted that fake "double order" crap along with fake review that got you exposed haha....again...whatever happened to the "local lab" that is supposedly providing test results 5 months ago? First the awaited Janos with excuse of it's a long wait, but now same excuse with a LOCAL LAB.... Yes my account is only 4 months old...AND?

I'm done with roasting this peanut...much rather talk to the wall in my garage while I watch the paint dry....carry on with your silliness and fake reviews. Anyone who knows anything can see through your smoke.

press1's picture
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press1's picture

Do you mean in the body of a comment like where we are talking now, or at the top of a forum post like posting Lab reports?

I use a laptop so it may show differently on a phone, but click your small avatar picture in the top right corner and scroll down and click 'Submit content'. Then click on 'Pictures'

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Big Tone36's picture

If I did what you did and took what you took, I'd expect someone to threaten my family too. Not sure that fits his character and he would threatened a child but I'm sure he threatened hurting you(deserved it). In life I've learned most times threats are nothing more than words and just used to instill fear. If someone really wanted to get at you they will not warn you with a threat.

Big Tone36's picture

I don't even deal with your boy, used 1 cycle from him before you were around 2 years ago and moved on. There's plenty of good src's here who got thier affairs in order actually test the products and gets the dosages right and runs a clean smooth operation. Your a disgrace to this game, wet behind the ears on every metric. I don't come here to pick on you, I am not biased towards anybody member or src. I will call it how I see it

Diesel77's picture

Whoa...This Lame did what? Straight LAME for real.... knee deep in the shit AND law threats? Ive heard/seen it all now. Most serious of violations I ever heard of, considering theyre not exactly "law abiding citizens". I agree and am with you on that one

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