anonymousinba's picture
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Would it be ok for an 18 year old to hop on a low dosage of Test E or Cyp?


I've been training for 3-4 years completely naturally, just taking supps like creatine, ashwagandha, etc., and am wondering if I took a low dosage of Test E during my next big bulk would be safe? I just want a little more of a boost, and I've seen the gains slowly start to slow down over the past several months. My natural test levels are at around 450-500ng/dl, and am wondering if they were in the 800's my gains would have a dramatic increase. Again, I'm a beginner to all of this and yes, I have done a lot of research, but I think it'd be helpful if I could have advice from people who have been in the game for a while. Thanks!

ONESICK's picture

In case you are reading this. NO! not for an 18 year old. Depending on the time of day you took you test can show low T. Eating a shitty meal can show low T. Are you a fat fuck? Do you have a shit diet? Are you as active as you say you are? Dude there's so many factors that come into play why your test shows low. Change your lifestyle and wait a minimum 7 more years before even considering test. Your brain isn't even fully developed right now. You'll be fucking yourself for life. Don't be a retard.

Diesel77's picture

OP is unable to read/respond to messages due to being banned, as a result of minimim age requirements.

Drexyl's picture

True, but there’s still good advice for others to see. (I accidentally downvoted you with my giant thumb but fixed it). I don’t have a lot to add, everyone has it covered, but can you imagine being 18-19 years old and having self inflicted erectile dysfunction issues for the rest of your life? Eff that! 19yo and sitting in the waiting room of the cockdoctor with a bunch of 65 year old men?

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JakeKO's picture

Bro, when I was 19 that is exactly what happened to me after a straight Sustanon run of one 250mg injection once per week for ten weeks. Loved my gains, but six to seven weeks after cycle, I couldn’t get a hard on to save my life. Went to a doctor and he called me an idiot and refused to prescribe me anything. He advised me to buy Vitamin E supplements and take them every day until my hard ons came back. Well it was two very long weeks. Also very hard to explain to my girlfriend that I was steady banging three times per day, smh. Definitely learned the SOFT way, LOL

Drexyl's picture

At his age he’s not going to pay any attention to dangers and f cholesterol, high RBC, etc… but some serious realities of the risks posed to a healthy boner? These are the stories the young guys need to hear. Thanks for sharing. And congratulations on your hard one returning lmao! (That was a fake laugh, I know you were shitting your pants)

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JakeKO's picture

Not unless you want to be on it for the rest of your life. Get a girlfriend

Saint gannett's picture

I have to question your 'about' 450-500mg/dl as a lab test is going to give you a specific value and then quantify it in a range. You seem to be quoting what normal test levels are in an adult male around your age. Some males go up to the 1,000 range, but most would fall right around what you stated. I would say, get a 'real' laboratory test and then you will have a 'real' value to work with. You start hitting supplemental test at this age and you could be in the 100-300 range for the rest of your life. See an endocrinologist and get a real test if you think your value is low, but with your test levels, you can achieve amazing results with diet and routine. Also, if you have a low value, get a repeat with proper food, rest, no alcohol, etc., as you can get different values. I just don't see many lab reports which come back.... 'about'. Good luck, stay natti and enjoy life.

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zorro2021's picture

So you started lifting when you were 10 and now you wanna juice? Lol don’t do it buddy, in a real note, you are way too young to even thinking about gear, eat tons, sleep well train hard really hard then eat some more, maybe other supplements, creatine, bcaas, glutamine, there is a bunch of natural supplements that might help you boost your test naturally, boro and vitamin D combined, ashwagandha, tribulus etc
That is just my humble advice buddy
But good luck on whatever you decide to do.

JFit253's picture


FatBoy26's picture

Bro leave it till your mid 20s. Your body is still filling out. Your hormones will be all over the place. Your pre frontal cortex isn’t fully developed until your late 20s. You’ll develop mood swings and a high risk of a personality disorder.

Coming off steroids is every bit as important If not more important that taking them. Ie PCT post cycle therapy. Do you even know what PCT is ? You’re supposed to get your PCT meds in Advance of any steroids cycle. If you can’t get them you’re fucked.
Mate put the money into a personal trainer. You’ll get safer more permanent results.

Steroids aren’t a one time thing. You’ll be off and on them forever if you want to maintain gains.

Tradesman34's picture

Hell no bro, you don't want to go there at your age. You are way too young and have everything you need to get thebgains you want naturally. Do yourself a favor and take advantage of the multiple posts about the right way to diet and everything else this site has to offer. Peace

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JEX30Sex's picture

Dude. My man I hope you're coming back to this post to read and heed the advice here. For the love of god don't hit the juice. You have everything in your system naturally to be epic.

Makwa's picture


alekaras's picture

Not it definitely won't be OK!!

Yankeesuck's picture

Only if you want to potentially mess yourself up for life...then go ahead. (That means no)

Owes a Review × 2
Diesel77's picture

No. Not ok at all...take care

Diesel77's picture

6% bf ? Pics or it didnt happen ...

wanted's picture


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Diesel77's picture

Who does he think he is fooling lol

He tried really hard to get a co-signer though...if he applied that effort into diet/training harder, it would suit him much better, but what do I know

Claudezilla's picture

Does he really think he’s going to get positive feedback trying to get on gear at fucking 18 wanting to go pro or not has fuck all to do with getting on artificial hormones……you’re 18……..Jesus most men don’t even fill out till 25+ sure there are freaks who peak young but most of us aren’t genetically gifted I’m in construction and a 23 year old kid wanted me to hook him up so bad and I said no you’re too young he didn’t listen as most of us won’t but guess what he’s going on 28 now and wishes more than anything that he would have waited…we aren’t dicks we are not assholes you’re going to do whatever the F you want but chances are you’ll regret it

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FatBoy26's picture

I would of shat my pants at that age at the mere thought of any gear.

Diesel77's picture

Absolutely agree bro. More and more are coming on here thinking "drugs cure/fix all" and it's becoming ridiculous. You can lead a thirsty horse to water, but unfortunately cannot make him drink it.