Lifted-presence92's picture
  • 823

+ 1 *Redo* domestic-supply


Redoing post bc I tagged the wrong source on my original

2) 100mg winny tabs pharmacon labs.
2) 100mg primo E pharmacon labs.

If anyone has ran pharmacon labs compound before lmk how you liked them!?

Ran both compounds before Bayer primo so I know what real primo gives and winny from a top domestic source.
So I know what to look for regarding both compounds

Currently finished a 4 month bulk 250mg week cyp worked up to 750 and 200 deca worked my way up to 600 and 100mg dhb worked up to 400 mg in those 4 moths. So far 3 weeks into a 4 week break to down regulate receptors cruising on 125 cyp added in more cardio changed workout volume and Caloric intake and lost 6 pounds of water looking for 4 more by the end of next week to get down to 240.

Cutting cycle will be test, mast, tren, primo, var and winny for 4 weeks at the tail end. Will supplement Bayer primo once I finish the two from the promo but will review after finishing.

Talking to the rep when super smooth very polite and eager to get my order out. T/A was Amazon fats 3 days even regarding a promo!

Thank you guys!

Ordered from: 
Diesel77's picture

Top shelf products....the source is great too, ordered from them before and they are fast. They had pharma Aromasin to me in few days. Pcom is in the upper echelons lab wise, wished they still carried Primo200. I remember getting ahold of several vials years ago...kid during xmas kind of happy lol. Hella oil volume per pin with the 100s. Hopefully they bring it back in their inventory lineup again soon.

Makwa's picture

Are we allowed redos Lol