Diesel77's picture
  • 1.1k

+ 5 PctShop GenShi Anavar


I was fortunate enough to be chosen to try 300 tabs, 20mg GenShi Anavar from PctShop, new labeling/package design. I am a fan of them coming in a box, inside blister packs, makes for a professional presentation. I have used the OG GenShi Anavar in the past, 10mg tabs and had great experience. They were accurately dosed then(10mg/tab lab tested)and from the current lab test on these provided by pctshop, (18.88mg/tab lab tested)they are well dosed also. Anavar is my fav oral AAS and #1 champ, Halo coming in 2nd. I've also used OG GenShi Tren, Mast that came in 5ml vials and had no issues. Thank you PCTshop, it is greatly appreciated. Will use and review approriately after doing so.

Ordered from: 
pctshopcom's picture

enjoy it bro!! Appreciate the pic as well!

Diesel77's picture

No problem and again, thank you for the kind gesture.

JakeKO's picture

PCTShop always has great promos. You can always count on great service from them

Diesel77's picture

Right on bro. This was a nice and perfectly suits my run. Stoked to give it a go and compare from last time I used the OG GenShi. 40mg/day of old GenShi had me right and crazy muscle pumps, great feeling and had my physique dry and strong, yet not uncomfortable dry and still enjoyed heavy lifting and the awesome strength gains.

JakeKO's picture

Enjoy it, Bro!

Diesel77's picture

Thanks bro

Makwa's picture

Plenty there to give you a good run of it.

Diesel77's picture

Yessir, more than sufficient for an effective run and can truly gauge it's quality/effectiveness. Its very kind of @pctshopcom and I was psyched/thankful to partake.