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Big Tone36's picture

That's funny because for all those test for your ex employer they were before you came along and after you left. Those test were on point but that was the hologram label gear you said yourself you didn't make and the last set was after the shit storm you created. I know this for a fact because Those tests were the reason I went there in the first place and all my orders were in that time frame and all hologram label which you didn't make, your words. My pics show this, you telling people to go look at test for gear you had nothing to do with. Lame

BTW the cut mix did hurt and messed me up temporarily but it was good and potent but you didn't make it so no credit to you

DeeMan's picture

Will say this and that's all, you told me your side of the story and other scr told me his side of the story...I still think or better yet I know the truth lies somewhere in the middle regardless what fanboys from either src think. All this calling one side out and not calling the other side out is disrespectful and has no place in eroids. The underdosing gear stuff you mentioned to me long ago and again no one knows exactly what happened but you, your wife and other src. What I've said now I've said to the both of you. As for the problems now I really can't speak on. All I can say is the Jano tests that you send out for only represents YOUR gear and no other src's and vice versa like I've also said in the past. Hope all this drama is over soon cause overall it's no good for this community. I wished both srcs the best in the past and I still wish both srcs the best. I figured both would move on without any future issues but that didn't happen. I think alot of the heat that you have been getting comes from what happened with other src in past in my opinion. Is it deserved? Who knows.

BrainsNGainz's picture

As a new user & bystander who stumbled upon this wild drama it's nice to see a reasonable take that isn't picking sides. Crazy that there are such polarizing opinions and heated exchanges about all this but I guess that can be expected when business & customers are involved. No idea what the truth of the matter is but seems pretty impossible to tell with 'he said she said' on a forum. Like you said it's probably the best for both of them drop it, I don't think anyone is benefitting or coming out on top from flinging shit everywhere. Anyways that's my 2 cents, hope these fellas can let it go for their own well-being.

DeeMan's picture

Your 2 cents makes alot of sense.
Well said man. +1

Big Tone36's picture

Mrs.E you listen good, I don't bash src's for other src's, I will call anyone out on bullshit though src , member, anybody. I haven't even used gear from your daddy either since the hologram days because I really didn't like the way shit was going over there , you and your boyfriend ran shit to the ground and got a man for his lively hood on some snake shit. Your a clown, I don't want or care about your convo's or test results or any of that I'd never order from you, your wet behind the ear. I'm not going back and forth with you. Have a good life

FlemDaddyKush's picture

You have been promising jano tests for months. And you just claimed that you were producing products for the old source that you used to work for. Thanks for clearing everything up, so you guys are responsible for all the crap underdosed gear that was being sold for that source. So it looks like the old source was telling the truth that he wasn't responsible for all the crap underdosed gear. And if you want proof, I don't have any bloodwork for testosterone but I do have bloodwork that I posted where I was using the old sources aromison during the time you guys were producing products and my estrogen level was almost at 300, you can find the bloodwork in my pictures/posts on my profile. But back during that time few had bloodwork and people that do a lot of gear can tell when stuff is underdosed.

bully20's picture

The src you were with before that has nothing to do with your product now . I’m not. Getting my gear form them i got it from youn but Now I know you and your old partner we’re. You guys get it from the src that has multiple sights on here or he did at least while ago and was claiming all kinds of src page once they go out business I remember this fuckimg oil they use extra BA for shit not crashing and longer shelf life wel
Gues what extra BA fucks with some peopel and
some of that people is me maybe you should do your home work find out exactly how
They brewing and What goes in it so you don’t have to deal with individuals like me. And Individual like me sees the ingredients and just walk away from it so we dont have to deal with pain and suffer. Have blessed day

JakeKO's picture

Why don’t you just straight out say “ We haven’t had any of our new batches tested yet, although we’ve been using the same formula as we did when we were making gear for xxxx source”???

For about three months now I’m watching this guy asking you for Jano’s testing, and you saying that it is coming soon. Then you said January, and here we are. Seems like Bully is holding you to it, and you guys just want to sell gear.

I’ll be honest, I get PIP reading this shit. At first I thought he was busting your balls, but now it concerns me. Just my opinion.

bully20's picture

He never did say Janos he just said….
According to my lab test everything checked out what it’s spouses to be
But I’m done with this foo and he’s boy sucking he’s dick. I toss all there shit I’m trash. I know we’re they get it from him and his old partner there both shit gear for me at Least

BFG's picture

Is it interesting really, do you have a cool theory?
You were sent 4 reset emails within 5 minutes.

BFG's picture

are you checking correct email address? because mails went thru

bully20's picture

Your not very bright
your making things why to obvious
Come in here and your first post is exact opposite of mine

bully20's picture

I sent them true email to your friend / the src

scoobydoo's picture

I hope you misspoke because 1429 0ff of 600mg sust a week is very low.

scoobydoo's picture

I didn't know it had been two weeks since your last shot. No telling what your levels should have been on the test. With all the blood tests I've seen, there has been about a 5 to 10 times multiplier with test e or c. So if you were on 600mg a week, that could be anywhere from 3000 to 6000 total testosterone. There is a test from the other day for a different supplier. The guy was using 250mg a week and had a total testosterone of 3300.

Big Tone36's picture

600mg will give you 3000-3500 typically definitely not 6000 but 1429 is crap for 600mg. That's a 200mg number.

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