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First cycle bulk or cut



is there any evidence what would be better to do on first cycle(considering it won't be a B&C after it), is it better to bulk before or cut?

I read lots of people recommending to cut before and bulk on first cycle because it is "wasted" if cutting on it, but I can't find anywhere WHY and I dislike the idea of cutting after cycle because it feels like shit to cut naturally and the higher the lean body mass is the harder it is to maintain it while cutting.

Stats: Natural, training for 6 years now, 193 cm and 210 lbs with prob. 13-14% of body fat.

Also I don't like cutting so maybe that's why I am so negative towards it.

What is your experience on your first cycle and did you bulk or cut?

Any input and advice is highly appreciated, thank you.

Z-man's picture

It is possible to gain significant size while dropping weight. Before chemical help. I competed and fit my first show i ate 400g of protein per day, moderate fat and cycled my carbs. I went from 206 and 14% body fat to 203 and 5.5% so gained about 17 pounds of muscle no drugs over 4 months.

JFit253's picture

I recommend cutting first. Now this does not have to be a contest style cut (sub 8%) but just enough where you are around 10-12%. You dont need anabolics to cut or bulk but they help preserve muscle in a cut.

All of this is diet dependant so focus on that first as a natural. Then decide to hop on later if you want

Makwa's picture

300 cals isn't going to be worth it. 1K+ is what you need to get the body to respond and build muscle at an accelerated rate.

Makwa's picture

Using cyclic bulking you will gain more muscle and much less fat and have overall much better body composition. 300cals and you will look the same as when you started.

JFit253's picture

Makwa has a whole forum post on it. The idea is to keep the metabolism going and help insulin sensitivity. I have tried it before and can agree it is the best way imo

JFit253's picture

I really only see the muscle preservation once I drop below 10%.
Its good to start doing researching. More information is always better. Also make sure you have proper safety

Makwa's picture

Good No need for anabolics to cut when you are above 10%. No extreme cutting measures are needed to get down to that level hence you really shouldn't need anabolics to spare any tissue since you won't be burning up any in the first place.

LUG2109's picture

Or get a Dexa scan for $40. Down to the .01” specs. Haha “you only thought you were lean….” Moment

Makwa's picture

Don't guestimate BF. Buy a $10 caliper and actuallly test it so you know. I wouldn't do a cut just to get in shape if that is what you have planned. Get in shape, get your bodyfat below 12% and then do cycle to build some muscle.

Makwa's picture

You don't need steroids to lose fat. You need them to build muscle though. The lower your bodyfat is when you start a bulk the more muscle tissue you will gain. Lower bodyfat means more muscle gain when you start a cycle. Trying to lose bodyfat and gain muscle in the same cycle is like trying to catch 2 squirrels, you won't catch either one, so pick one or the other and most of the time it should be bulk unless you are getting into the single digit bodyfat range.