not the feds's picture
not the feds
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T300 for 10 weeks, would a basic PCT minus the HCG suffice?

not the feds's picture

5”11 kinda fit, kinda fat! Went to the doctor recently and had bloods drawn. T was at 2.3 ng/ml, basically felt like ass and had no drive to workout. Dabbled with some BS ph’s before and shit was horrible. Sides for days and just stopped mid cycle. Got adex on hand along with nolva and clomid. So basically that’s it lmao! This shit leaned me out and got me some really nice gains. Feels like I’m back to my 20’s and I’m close to hitting 40. Halfway through my first T cycle and just wanted to get ready to finish off right. Diet could have been better and little cardio due to injury. Ex-boxer, so I know about cardio and dieting (I’d like to think lol)

not the feds's picture

It’s like a bible bro! Thanks

not the feds's picture

Buddy of mine is on trt but they dosed him at 175mg every 2 weeks which honestly sounds insane, I’m not a doctor but damn that’s too far in between imo. The cost isn’t as great also soooo yah there’s that too lol

Makwa's picture

Depends on what your basic PCT consists of.

not the feds's picture

Sorry, nolva and clomid.

Makwa's picture

What dosages are you planning on

not the feds's picture

Was thinking 100mg a day for two weeks and down to 50 after. What would you recommend?

blackjack115's picture

It would help if you'd give more information on what your "basic" PCT would look like.

not the feds's picture

Just nolva and clomid brother