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+ 5 Roidforsale Pharma gear


Not all boxes were sent to save on packing space, which I agreed to. All pharma gear. Prices are unbeatable. Went for the expediated shipping and got her in about a week.

4 boxes of T3
3 boxes of zatiden (Ketotifen)
2 boxes of ventolin (albuterol) They included these for free
3 boxes of Testo Aburaihan 250 Mg (30 amps)
Choriomon 5000 IU
1 bottle caber

Ordered from: 
Makwa's picture

Yes. I used 1amp E10D for TRT and they worked just fine.

tc62's picture

How does Ventolin work in this way? My inhaler is called Ventolin and is albuterol but never saw them as tablets. Just curious

Makwa's picture

It is the same drug in your inhaler You typically don't get as high of a dose as you would when we use it for off-label purposes. Use it for fat loss. Think of it as the same as clenbuterol but without all the nasty side effects.

tc62's picture


Casp25's picture

Nice stack

Makwa's picture

Cutting with albuterol is the way to go and only pharma grade. Kind of tough to find since everyone seems to be hung up on clen instead but RFS was kind enough to dust of the shelves to find me some even though they said out of stock.

Gh0st's picture

Agreed. Took one clen 40mcg one time, was up for like 48hrs. Never took it again lol.

Albuterol or Bronkaid and the old Caffeine 200mg w Baby ASA combo for me works great with way less sides 2 weeks on 1 week off.

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Makwa's picture

2on 1off is usually what I did. With the keto 3on 1off is very doable.

Makwa's picture

Just to upregulate receptors. Can run cycle for longer and get away with lower dosages.

Makwa's picture

It definitely can make you drowsy, similar to benadryl, so take before bedtime.