Special_Bill's picture
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Bloods Incoming - Feeling Old and In the Way ***Edit: Results In***


Blood work is in, would like input from vets

IGF1 85 (81-263)
Test 386 (264-916) Could be worse
Free Test 2.6 (6.8-21.5) Low, figures
LH 8.4 (1.7-8.6)
FSH 23.2 (1.5-12.4) High, weird?
E2 <5.0 (7.6-42.6) Way low, ramifications?
Hematocrit 39.9 (37.5-51.0)

Other stuff, all good!

PSA 0.1 ng/mL (0.0-4.0)
Cholest, total 168 (100-199)
Trigs 53 (0-149)
HDL 62 mg/dL
VLDL 11 (5-40)
LDL 95 (0-99)
LDL/HDL 1.5 (0-3.6)

All good so far, everything else good D3 slightly deficient at 40 (30-100)

Any thoughts on super low E2 and gonadotropins results? Won't need AIs for awhile if TRT/cycle?

Man, I love diagnostic tests...I'm an analytical chemis, I eat this shit up.

Morning gangsters-

47 yr old guy here who just had his quality of life fall off a cliff this summer after catching Delta. My older friends said middle age would catch up to me and i'd wake up feeling like something had left in the night, I think I get it now.

5'11" at 178 lbs, around 18-20% BF

Have had sex with my 10 year younger wife once in the last 6 months, absolutely no sex drive. On one hand, it's almost like freedom from bondage b
Sleep is shitty but it's not for a lack of trying. I won't take prescription sleep aids due to past addiction issues.
Concentration, memory, energy levels- way, way down. I legit fall nod off in my office chair. I have to get up constantly to stay awake, caffeine intake is higher than I'd like but I try to moderate and cut off early in the hopes of getting better sleep.
Capacity for just general happiness- In the crapper, I'm not depressed per say, I'm just a bitchy nag to my wife and kids. Chronically grumpy of late. I have it all but I get very little organic joy from anything.

Been lifting and into fitness since 14. Big into adrenaline sports, mountain biking, whitewater kayaking, etc. More of a crossiftter than bodybuilder.

Lifts went from OHP 185lbs, Bench 255 lbs, Squat 325 lbs, DL 415 lbs to OHP 120lbs, Bench 185 lbs, Squat 235 lbs, DL 315 lbs. Those aren't 1RM but they are close. After recovering from Delta in July, I really got serious in my home gym and the kitchen since September 2021 and I've just hit a wall. Where did my hard-earned but meager strength go?

I had blood work done yesterday morning at the request of local TRT clinic (SE US). Will post up when they come in. I did a, looking back, wack ass cycle in my late 20s of Tren, Eq, and Dbol and ended up a nice, lean 220 lbs. PCT was HCG and Clomid (this was late 90s, maybe 2000, AIs were pretty new). It went well, no E2 symptoms.

So much too learn. I'm no idiot (former doctorate student in Pharmacology) but it's overwhelming and my old ass brain is slowing roping in all this data, trying to turn it into information.

Formerly on Elitefitness in the late 90s, 2000s with same handle.

Always loved you insanely smart gentle giants (Most hardcore BBs ran circles around me in endocrinology and I was in an NIH program) so I'm back to hopefully get some Quality back into however many years I have left.

TRT clinic I picked is crazy expensive at 300 month so I probably won't stay there but will document my experience if it's helpful to anybody.

Edit: Practicing posting pics, here's my pride and joy of a home gym:

Janus's picture

Digging your gym. I have been wanting a GHD.

Makwa's picture


Test is to high for TRT. Culprit is most likely the low free test and crashed estro. Some diet changes should fix you up. Get the free test to go up and estro will follow like Rusty says and you should feel like a new man.

IrishMack's picture

Why is it that everyone is so fast to blame low T on everything? Those levels are not indication of trt and a clinic will put you on without trying anything else because its money in their pocket. The last 2 years has wreaked havoc on everyones psyche. Causes of low T are:
Diet, exercise or lack of, stress, anxiety, thyroid, low/high blood pressure, work environment, FSh is high meaning its a very BAD idea to start any TRT here is the possible reasons for your very high level
Damage to the testicles (from radiation, trauma, or alcohol abuse), genetic problems, advancing age, hormonal disorders, certain medications (like pain medications or steroids), diseases such as HIV/AIDS or Type 2 diabetes, or (in rare cases) tumors of the pituitary gland. Go see a real doctor before you go down the path of destruction, TRT could very well fuck you up instead of help you.

Special_Bill's picture

Thanks Kings, this place is legit. I figured you hosses would be like “slam a g of test, pussy”. Advice from you, @Rustyhooker, and @Makwa is sound. Diet is good, about as good as I can do for last 3 months. I weigh everything and hit macros. Protein is grass-fed. beef, free range chicken, and wild caught salmon. I eat some organ meats, tons of leafy green vegs, almost no wheat, wide variety of healthy fats. I make good money and don’t have many vices so this is where my nut goes, food. I do take a lot of vitamins, creatine, bcaa’s, some herbs- mostly from trying to support better energy levels and my inability to make lifts I could a year ago. My wife bought me something called aswaganda, an Indian herbal med that is supposed to drop cortisol, increase test. That’s about the weirdest thing I recently started taking but was symptomatic before-hand.

Went over levels with my retired doc dad last night. He said he’s been taking DHEA for years at 75 mg ED after his sex drive went in the crapper in his early 60s. He’s an anesthesiologist so endo knowledge is just okay. Have endo appt and T clinic call on Monday, should be interesting what they both say.

Janus's picture

True^^^. When my test lvl came back at 180, My PC ran all kinds of test before putting me on TRT. Even had me in a MRI scanning pituitary gland

IrishMack's picture

My endo put me on clomid; put me on a diet, and asked me to start going to the gym. I did all of this for 3 months and my levels rose quite a bit; but once he took me off the clomid and then waited 30 days I tanked again. I was about 10nl above normal. I had a full blood panel drawn too. THEN they put me on TRT

EBSNW1's picture

If you get bloods and it turns out to be low testosterone levels (which sounds likely in this scenario), you could also self-administer TRT if you want to save.

Not sure where you live but the aspect of legality could make a difference though.

In a promo × 1
IrishMack's picture

Self administer TRT; read his blood report instead of staring in the mirror.

EBSNW1's picture

His bloods were obviously not posted yet when I commented, not sure why you're coming at me.

In a promo × 1
IrishMack's picture

Because you cosigned self administering without seeing any blood work or even finding out any information. Come on man.

EBSNW1's picture

My comment literally says "IF you get bloods AND it turns out to be low testosterone". It's a hypothetical case, I merely suggested a possible route of action. Your reading comprehension is shit.

In a promo × 1
IrishMack's picture

what about the self administer? your deflection ability is shit.

Greg's picture

Like the home gym... almost as much as mine.

I'm sitting on the Peloton.

Special_Bill's picture

Yo! That’s about the cleanest garage I’ve seen. Stained and epoxied floor? Baller. Wood paneling with corrugated tin shiplap, bruh, you work out in a fancy smoking jacket reviewing your highly diversified portfoliio? Look at the tasteful AF sconces and natural light. This is a subtle masterpiece and I’ve had 7 legit home gyms in basements and double garages over the past 9 houses.

We’ve been in this place since August and I had Covid as we were moving in so it was a pain in the ass just getting everything temp setup. House needs a lot of work, tons of deferred maintenance but in this market, happy to have the sq feet. I’ll be getting new windows, painting, and ripping up the old Berber carpet and putting in rolled rubber in stages. Wife wants me to paint now but I’ll wait until spring when I can air it out without freezing.

Is there a link on instructions for embedding pics? This site is bringing me back to the old school ‘net days before FB, love it.

Special_Bill's picture

This one is fo sho a rip off. I had to really dig through their site to finally find the $299 a month price. It is a brick and mortar where you can walk in, get a hug, whatever. Researching around showed me Defy and Elevate, telemed only, are roughly 100 bucks. This includes the test cyp and hcg at whatever therapeutic doses they decide for you. Apparently HCG is getting harder to get due to recent FDA ruling. My wife’s bestie owns two independent pharmacies with compounding labs so I’ll ask her what the deal is. Anyway, UGL is way cheaper if you are comfortable scheduling your own bloodwork.

My last primary doc was an internal med dude in Minnesota. I got relo’ed two years ago and haven’t found another. Moved yet again for wife’s job so I need to get off my ass and find one here. Hey, I’m doing good just to make a dental appointment, ya know? This shit is low T, I’m calling it now. I gradually went from top of the world to sad boi over the last year with a sharp decline after Covid. Sleep, strength, libido, crankiness…all way, way down. No meds, still eating good, pushing through low-rep strength based work outs. I started all the usual OTC shit like zinc, ashwanda-whatever, D3, adjusted macros for more protein. I’m at least treading water on this regimen but it’s been a solid 4-5 months of just perfect diet, exercise, and as much rest as I can get and shit’s not bouncing back like it used to. Exercise and diet used to cure all for me, I don’t take the thought of perma-TRT lightly.

Special_Bill's picture

Definitely waiting on blood results and will do the initial consult. I guess there could be some thyroid shit going on. My lipid profiles have always been excellent, resting HR is 45, BP is always under 120/80. I am definitely above average on the fitness scale but shit, I’ve seen triathletes just drop dead. Strong family history of heart attacks in males in the late 40s. My dad would be dead if he wasn’t scrubbed in, about to do a case in the OR when his ass hit the ground. His dad, survived a widow-maker at 46 and was a non-smoker/non-drinker, healthy eater for the time. Guy was a massive Type A douche who abused people and had anger issues so I intentionally try not to give much of a shit about anything. Doesn’t always work but I’ve managed to stay off the bottle, chew, and shit food since my early thirties. Miss hammering that sweet poo-nanny though, wife probably thinks I’m cheating with the work-out intensity and no desire for boning. I’m not honey in case you are going through my browser history.

scoobydoo's picture

Have you tried melatonin for your sleep issues? I prefer 3mg time release melatonin. I drink one 14oz mug of coffee a day. Once in a while I'll have 2. If I drink too much coffee, it makes me crash. If your blood comes back with low T, it may be a good idea to see a doctor so you can go through your insurance.

Special_Bill's picture

Yes sir, the ‘tonin is my fall back but it only works for one maybe two nights in a row so I use it sparingly. Also some research is indicating it can contribute to depression when supplemented to frequently. Seeing a doc now, he is the one that ordered the test. I’ll try to get it covered but honestly, wife and I do pretty well and even at 300/mo for a happiness, I’d be okay. I’m just a cheap bastard.

Just in case I placed a decent order of cyp, prop, adex, Clomid, nolva, and HCG. You know, because of supply chain issues.

scoobydoo's picture

I've been taking melatonin for close to twenty years, maybe more. Do you have the regular or time release? The time release made a huge difference for me.

Special_Bill's picture

You know, the stuff I currently havre is a 5 mg gummy, not TR. I have had the TR version but it’s been years. I will grab a bottle and see if I can tell the difference. In theory, it sounds like it would work better for me. I can usually fall asleep after reading some non-fiction or something kind of boring for 45 mins but I never stay asleep. For example, last night was pretty typical. Got in bed at 9:30 pm (I get in bed same time every day, even weekends). Read until 10:15 pm, wasn’t super sleepy but shut the e-reader down and turned the light off. I distinctly remember waking up at 3:00 am so I pissed, back to bed, light sleep until 4 am. Then stared at the ceiling until 4:30 am and said, welp, I’m up. This was after doing a decent set of heavy squats and GHD raises from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. This has been my life for a year now. Last night I took Tylenol PM and skipped the melatonin. Sound familiar to anybody?